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Alexander's POV

Angie is...gone. She's completely reverted back to childlike behavior. The doctor describes it as a 'permanent childhood'. She speaks and acts like a young child and at times she's convinced that Philip is still alive.

I know she loves birds so I decided to buy her a parakeet to try and give her some sort of comfort. I walked up to her room, which we had to take her door off of to keep a closer eye on her, and saw her on her bed, cuddled up with the stuffed lion Philip got on his 1st birthday. We let her keep it because she wanted to have a part of Philip with her, and we couldn't say no to our little girl, considering the state she's in.

"Hi Angie." I said walking into the room. "I have something to show you."

I held up the cage with the small pale-yellow bird.

"A birdie! Is it for me?"

"Yes I bought him special for you."

"Aww he's so little and cute! I can't wait to show Philip."

I felt a pang of sadness in my heart at these words.

"Why don't we show mommy first?"


She rushed down the stairs, holding the little bird in the palms of her hands.

"Mommy look! Papa got me a birdie! Isn't he cute?"

"Yes he's very cute Angie. Do you know what you want to name him?"

"Tommy! I think it's a good name."

Eliza looked at me, giggling slightly. The names reminded me of Jefferson. But if Angie liked the name then it was perfect.

"Can I go show Philip?"

Eliza and I looked at each other sadly. Eliza pulled Angie onto her lap and stroked Angie's hair.

"Sweetie Philip's gone, remember?"

"Oh right." She looked down sadly. "Can I go lay down in my room?"

"Of course. Go ask Alex to tuck you in first okay?"


She walked out of the room, nuzzling Tommy's feathers with her nose as she walked.

"I hate seeing her so sad." Eliza said, curling up next to me on our bed.

"I know. But there's not much we can do."

"I know."

Alex Jr.'s POV

Angie walked towards me holding the bird Papa bought for her.

"Can you come tuck me in? I'm sleepy."

I smiled at my sister. She may be older, but she acts like my little sister. I took her hand and we went upstairs to her bedroom. I tucked her into her bed and was about to walk out but she stopped me.

"Can you come cuddle with me?" She asked, shyly.

"Of course." I smiled at her.

I climbed into her bed and hugged her tightly. She curled up next to me and fell asleep a short while after. I gave her a brotherly kiss on the forehead and sighed. Why did this have to happen to her? I wish it was me. Then she wouldn't have to suffer.

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