Stay Alive

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Eliza's POV
There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it love." I kissed Alex's cheek.
"Noooo, take me with you."

I rolled my eyes at his childishness.
The two of us went to the door. I saw a doctor there

"Can I help you?"
"Ma'am it's urgent. Your son, he's been shot."

Alexander's POV
Eliza's eyes widened in fear. She fell backwards and I quickly caught her.

"W-where is he?" She asked.
"By your sister, Angelica Church
"Angie? Alex? Come here."

They walked over.

"You 2 look after your siblings okay?"

They nodded.

The 2 of us quickly got into a carriage and and rushed to Angelica's house. Making a quick stop to get Theodosia Burr.

We got to the house jumping out of the carriage even before it was fully stopped.

We ran inside and saw Angelica, her husband (John Church), Y/N and Lafayette sitting in the living room.

Eliza ran to her sisters crying in their arms.

"Where is he?!" Theodosia shouted in worry.

"Upstairs. First room on your left."
Angelica answered, still cradling her sister.

I rushed upstairs to the room Angelica described and saw Phillip lying on the bed, a bullet wound in his side.

"Phillip." I rushed over.
"What happened?"
"H-he shot at s-seven" he stuttered. "I w-was still t-turned around."

"PHILLIP!" Theodosia shouted, having just walked into the room.
"Theo." He smiled. "Promise me something?"

"Don't mourn me forever okay? It's ok if you find someone else."

She shook her head. "D-don't say that! You'll be fine. You have to be!"

"Please Theo."
"I-I can't keep that promise."
"Alright. I just want you to be happy."
"Moving on won't make me happy. I can promise that."

She stepped back and I went to talk with him.

Theodosia's POV
Eventually Phillip's mother came upstairs.

"Phillip! Are you okay?" She rushed over to his side.

After a few minutes his parents stood back and gave me a chance to speak with him again.

"Theo." He smiled at me. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." I replied tears streaming down my face.

I bent down and kissed him softly. He kissed back and I sat up.

"Theo, Look in my pocket."

I reached into his pocket and took out a small box.

"Open it."

When I opened it I gasped at what was inside.

A ring.

"I-is this what you were gonna ask me?"

He nodded.

"I'm sorry we never got to get married Theo. But please keep the ring. For me."

"Of course!"

I slipped it on. It looked perfect against my skin tone.

He lifted his arm to place a hand on my cheek. I gave a teary smile I put my hand on his.

Then his arm dropped to his side.


Tears were falling down my face faster.

I grabbed his hand. It was ice cold.

Alexander's POV
Theo threw herself over Phillip's body, sobbing begging him to come back.

Eliza was sobbing too. I was holding her tightly rocking her back and forth, tears falling from my eyes as well.

When the doctor came in the room to take his body away Theo clung to him, refusing to let them take him away.

"HE'S NOT GONE! HE CAN'T BE GONE! I NEED HIM!" she was sobbing uncontrollably, and I had to pull her away so they could remove Phillip's body from the room.

"Theo why-"

She cut me off

"No! Don't call me that!"

I was confused at first, then I realized.
That's the nickname that Phillip always called her by.

"Theodosia, why don't I take you back home?"

She sniffed and nodded.

Eliza had calmed down enough to stop crying. I walked over to her. I explained the situation with Theodosia and she agreed that we should take her home.

The carriage pulled to a stop, Eliza stayed in while I brought Theodosia to the door.

Aaron's POV
"Hello Alexander."

I turned to my daughter.

"Sweetheart why are you crying?"
"P-Phillip's dead!"
"H-he was shot in a duel! George Eacker. He shot early!"

Then I noticed something on her finger. The ring. Phillip had shown it to be when he asked permission to marry her.

"Sweetheart lets go get you to sleep ok?"

She nodded.

"Thank you Alexander."
"It was nothing."

We bid each other goodnight, and I shut the door.

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