Chapter 1: Where am I?

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WTF!!! This is what I scream outside in front of a huge tower with a lot of people watching me.

This can not be happening to me. I thought. I am out of breath when I feel my arms and back burning! I want to scream again but the pain is so bad that I can't.

"Can I help you miss?" This man behind me asks.

I turn around, when I can move again, and are this smart dressed man. He has a look on his face that kind of looks like he thinks I am insane or something.

"Yes you can help me. Please tell me where I am at?" I reply.

He smirks. "You are standing outside of Stark Towers aka Avenger Tower."

"Okkkk." So this guy is off his rocker. I thought. Then I started to laugh and couldn't stop.

After a couple of mins laugh and wiping the tears that came with it, I had to ask the guys name.

"So what's your name?"

He looks at me funny and says "Tony Stark". Like I should know him or something.

I look at him and said in the most honest and serious tone I have. "Are you for real?!"

"Yes and what is your name sweetheart!" He asks.

"Heather." and stuck my hand out to shake. There is a burning on my chest and when I looked at it there was a tattoo. "Um so tell me Mr. Stark, why do I have all of these marks all over my body?"

"They are called soul marks and they tell you if you are about to meet one by burning until you let your soulmate touch it." Tony said.

Well shit. This is soo weird. Nothing is making sense to me and I just sit down on the ground and take some deep breaths.

"Why don't you get up and we can go into my building and find a nice quite office to talk in."

I am in shock and don't really think about it. "Sure." But before I could get going I realized I don't have my son with me and start to panick. "My son!" I shout "Where is he?" That is when I hear a groan from the ally next to the building. I run towards the sound and so does Tony. I finally see my son and went to him. He is laying on the ground holding his head.

"Baby are you ok?" I am in mother hen and mother bear mode now. So watch out.

He opens his eyes and I sigh in relief.

"Mommy what happened and why do you look so different?"

"1 I don't know what happened and 2 what do you mean I look different?" I am just relieved he is ok but also confused.

"Mommy you look so young!" Then he looks behind me and asks "Why Iron Man was standing behind you mom?"

I just looked at him and said in a very calm voice " That is not Iron Man that is Tony Stark." Then I froze and said that "Iron Man and the rest are only in the movies not real life."

I start thinking about everything that has been happening and I am starting to get really afraid but I cant let my son know it.

I help my son up and turn around and look at Tony and he has this look on his face that I just cant read.

"I think we need that room now so we can talk and find out where and when we are."

Tony just looks at me and nods his head. I think I broke him?!

As we are walking to the building I notice something off. I look at my reflection and stop. I look to be 17 but that cant be right. I am 40 yrs old!!! Right now my son is older then I am! I am shaking now. I think I am having a panic attack and cant breath. Everything is going black. The last thing I heard is my son calling to me.

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