Chapter 9

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Well since I knew that there was a lot that they don't know and I have to fill them in on. I might as well write everything down and let them pass it around. I just had to go into as much detail as I could get so there wont be any confussion.

This is going to take me a long time to put down in writing. I look at Tony and ask, "I need paper, pen, and a quit place to work because I am going to write everything down in detail and then ya'll can read it so we are all on the same page."

Tony wants to know everything now but I just look at him and he tells me where I can go and he will bring in everything that I will need.

"Thank you love." I say and I guess that really shocked him because he just looked at me and then the biggest smile I have ever seen was on his face.

It took me a min to figure out what was going on but when I did I of course blushed so much I looked like a tomato!

"So where is this office?" I tried to change the subject.

"This was sweetheart." Tony just had to say that.

I followed him to the office and he got me everything I needed and then before he left he whispered in my ear that I am to come to his room tonight and then kissed me.

Let me just say kissing him was OMG! It took me a while to get my concentration back where it needed to be.


Time skip because I say so

After 6 cups of coffee and a mandatory break because my mate told me to. I finally finished writing everything down. I am wondering if I should make copies for everyone? In the end I made 4 copies and if there is more to be made they can do it themselves.

I noticed the time when I finally emerged for the office and just groaned. I was so focused on my work that I spent a whole day doing it. I needed food, to see my son. and sleep. But before I can do any of that I have to give them the copies and answer any questions that they have. Maybe I can slip off for some sleep before anyone finds me. I will just put everything on the table and the lay down on the couch and get some sleep. Just a little bit.

I manged to get some sleep only because I noticed that it was 3am! I put everything on the table and crashed on the couch.

I think I woke up around 10am. I heard ppl talking about what I wrote down.

I sit up and wonder for a min where I was. When everything came back to me I went into the kitchen ignoring everyone and grabbed a cup of coffee and drank it before I could talk to anyone.

I got another cup and then went out to everyone for a talk. I know today is going to be a interesting day.

Nat was just looking at me waiting and a smile on her lips. Just want to kiss those lips so much.

I sat down next to Tony and said just one word. "Questions?"

Tony just thought for a moment and said, "Just a few." Then chuckled.

I just took a deep breath and said shoot.

"How are we supposed to get ppl up in space to come here to help us?" Tony asked

"That will be easy enough when I get Thor down here. I just have to get Heimdall to get him the message that we need him down here quickly." I told him.

"Ok who is Heimdall?" Everyone wants to know.

"Well he sees all and hears all and by now he should be getting ahold of Thor letting him know he is need here. I hope he will get here soon. It would be wonderful if I could talk to him personaly but I know that can not happen because Odin does not really care for Midgardins right now." I told them.

Just to be on the safe side. I go out onto the balcony look up and yell. "Heimdall we need Thor down here to help protect the earth if you don't mind."

I think my mates think I am crazy but what can you do. You just have to seem crazy once in a while.

I go back in and sit on the couch because 1 I am just tired and 2 I wanted to snuggle up to my mates. What can I say it feels good.


Sorry for the delay on posting. I ran into a writers block. I will try to pick up on posting once a week again.

Thank you for all the support and enjoy!

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