Chapter 13

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Rapunzel woke up to a breakfast so small it was almost nonexistent.

"Is there any way I could have some more?" she asked, nibbling on the tiny roll.

"You can't eat too much," Hera said. "How will you fit into your corset?"

And thus, the day of plucking, pricking, pulling, and squeezing began.

Finally, lunch came. Rose had made a cream with her family's secret recipe and served it with berries. It was delicious, though Regina, Hera, and Monica didn't eat much of it.

"Miss," Ellie said timidly. "The Queen has summoned you to her chambers immediately."

Rapunzel quickly put on a red dress and followed her to the Queen's chambers. She curtsied, but looked up to find nothing but anger in her mother's eyes. For a split second, she thought about Mother Gothel. When she looked down, she noticed Tommy, who wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Rapunzel. I told you to forget that commoner. And what did you do? You wrote to him. You are a disgrace. Tonight you will choose one of the men at the masquerade to marry in three days. And if you don't, you will spend a few weeks in the dungeons. Leave my sight."

She curtsied and left quickly. Rapunzel made it to her chambers, but sank to the ground before she could open the doors. She had been betrayed. She had to find love while her heart was in someone else's hands.

She stood suddenly. No. She would play the game for the night, but tomorrow she would be gone. She had to leave. If Jack or Mari could help, wonderful. If not, she still had to leave.

Rapunzel took a deep breath and walked into her chambers like nothing was wrong. She continued getting ready, gushing over the chance to find love. Regina gave her some tips as to how to get the man to take off his mask so she could see if he was handsome or not.

That night, donning her beautiful dark blue dress with silver sparkles like stars, Rapunzel tightened her mask. She put on a smile and turned to her ladies.

"Tonight I will find my husband. I will forever be grateful for your help."

Hannah took her hands and smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. "We are grateful for the chance to serve you."

Together they walked to the ballroom. Trumpets blared as they walked in, signaling that the princess had arrived. Rapunzel tried to be as charming as she could to all the men who sought her out. She danced with them and used Regina's tips, though none of them made a lasting impression.

As the night came to a close, the Queen approached her. Rapunzel curtsied and told her she chose the man she had just been dancing with. He was kinder than the others had been, so if her plan failed, she could at least be reassured that she wasn't marrying a complete stranger.

Meg walked beside her on the way back to her chambers. The others were gushing about the ball, but she was quiet.

"What troubles you?" Rapunzel asked. She kept her eyes on the floor and said nothing for a while. Then she raised her head.

"I am worried for you. It doesn't seem right that you marry someone you barely know."

"I am afraid I can't do anything about it. The King and Queen wish me to marry, so I shall."

Exhaustion quickly took the ladies, and they fell asleep. Rapunzel took this chance to change into the peasant clothing she had tucked into her closet so long ago and pack a few of her things. She was about to leave when she heard movement behind her.

"Rapunzel? Where are you going?" Monica stood before her, trying to piece together the scene before her.

"I'm leaving, and I don't plan to come back. I can't marry someone I don't love."

They stood staring at each other.

Monica turned to the vanity and opened a drawer Rapunzel hadn't even known was there. She pulled out a bag that clinked when it moved. She held it out to her.

"That should be enough money to get you away from here and a few nights stay in an inn. I was saving for something on my wedding day, but it seems my father has other plans. Go live a life the rest of us will never get."

Shocked, she accepted the bag. She turned to go, but then stopped and hugged her.

With one last smile, Rapunzel climbed down from her balcony and ran for the wall. She climbed the tree she had so many times seen Jack climb and jumped down to the other side.

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