Chapter 2

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So.....just read it.

Rapunzel and Mari spent two days traveling to the kingdom. They probably would have made it earlier if Rapunzel hadn't stopped every minute to look at something. But Mari didn't blame her. She explained things to Rapunzel and told her everything about the kingdom.

Rapunzel was really interested in the lantern ritual the kingdom performed. She revealed that her birthday always fell on the day of the lanterns. The wheels in Mari's head started turning.

The duo arrived at the kingdom on Rapunzel's birthday. Mari introduced Rapunzel to her family and showed her all around. They spent time dancing, in the library, eating, laughing, and drawing with chalk. Rapunzel showed her artistic abilities and drew the beautiful sun logo of the kingdom.

As the sun climbed past noon, Mari brought Rapunzel to the mural of the lost princess. Mari told the tale and watched as recognition spread across Rapunzel's face.

They made for the castle and told the guard that Rapunzel may be the lost princess. They were rushed into a room and barely a minute passed before the king and queen burst in. Mari curtsied, keeping her head down. Rapunzel did the same. They straightened and Mari watched the king and queen embrace Rapunzel as their found daughter.

The kingdom rejoiced and sent off more lanterns than ever at the news. Rapunzel was changed into different clothes and given a crown before being ushered out onto the balcony to wave to the kingdom.

Rapunzel did not like it at all. She knew that the people would want to see her, she understood that, but couldn't that wait until after she had spent more time with her newly found parents? She didn't even like the dress thet put on her. It was itchy and heavy.

Mari looked up at Rapunzel and wondered why she had been shoved out of the castle like an unwanted servant. Why did Rapunzel have to stand there and wave for now 2 hours. The sun was getting lower in the sky. Rapunzel looked tired.

Rapunzel was finally brought inside. She was taken out of the dress and squeezed into a new one that was even more uncomfortable. She told the servants she could change herself, but they waved away her words. She complained about her discomfort and was given uncomfortable heels that she could barely walk in.

Rapunzel was escorted out of the room. She was brought to a vast hall that was filled with music and laughter. There, her mother came up to her.

"Rapunzel, why are you so glum?" she asked.

"My dress and shoes are so uncomfortable! I wanted something different, but I was ignored!" Rapunzel said.

"That's nice dear, have you met Lord Gavin?" Rapunzel was shocked. Why did the parents she just met ignore they child they just found.

Rapunzel was introduced to so many eligible bachelors that she had to dance with. It would be fine if they didn't act so high and mighty. Everything she said brought on a story of how they are much better than the others. Rapunzel hadn't had one bite to eat and was starting to feel faint. The dress and heels didn't help at all.

Where was Mari? Was she okay? Rapunzel wanted to go and be with her family. Mari's family was so nice and welcoming, unlike Rapunzel's.

Rapunzel sighed as her vision became spotted. She was thankful when she felt herself falling. Now she had an excuse to leave the wretched ball.

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