Chapter 5

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"A commoner? A commoner Rapunzel?" her mom shouted. Rapunzel's dad had work to do, and, secretly, she thought he didn't really care.

"Does it matter?" Rapunzel asked. She swore her mom almost fainted at that question.

"Does it matter?! Of course it does! You must wed a lord, a prince, someone connected to royalty!" her mom said, voice rising.

"But if I were to wed a commoner, wouldn't they become royal?" Rapunzel kept her voice steady.

"That's not the same! You must give up this foolish dream!"

You wouldn't believe how hard that hit Rapunzel. Give up her dream? It was her dream to see the floating lights that made her cut her hair. It was her dream that brought her to the kingdom. She hadn't even realized that she was the only one still in the room until a servant cleared their throat.


"I'm sorry, I'll, I'll just go to my room. Sorry." She walked out, head high. She kept her head high until she was in her room. Rapunzel collapsed on her bed and let sleep take her. She hadn't even changed out of her dress.

The next day. *oooooo*

Rapunzel woke up feeling giddy. Memories of the festival kept the smile on her face. She absolutely wouldn't let her mom dampen her spirits. Not even her small breakfast could.

*knock knock knockity knock*

"Come in!" she called. To her surprise, a man came in. A man!

"Do you have the wrong room? Men are not allowed in these quarters unless one of the royal ladies gives permission," she said. Wow, her mom would be proud.

"Well princess, if it would please you, I'll take this note," he waved a white envelope, "from your Jack and be on my way. Next time I'll just wait for your permission." He started to close the door.

"Wait! I give you permission. Please, stay."

He smiled. "There we go. I'm Tommy, by the way. Here's the note. I'll wait outside the door for the return message. But, I've only got 30 minutes. Better be quick!" And then, he was out the door.

Rapunzel quickly opened up the envelope. Inside were 2 sheets of paper, crammed with words. His writing was slanted and sharp, as if he was in a rush to get his thoughts out.


You have no idea how long it took for me to figure out how to adress this letter. Dear? Dearest? To? I only decided on just your name because my sister complained about me muttering to myself.

Did I tell you about my sister? Her name is Jewlia(A.N. I just made that up. I don't know his sister's name) and she's only 11. Still, she claims that she knows everything and that we should treat her like royalty.

I actually just thought of a brilliant nickname for you. Punzie. Is Punzie all right? I think it suits you.

So, Punzie, what do you do all day in that castle? Jack, that's a stupid question, she's only been there for not even 3 days! You must excuse me, my thoughts tend to just spill out. After, I don't know, a week, why don't you tell me about life in that big castle I see from my window.

I should tell you this. I really, really like winter, especially the morning frost that's spread across my window every morning. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my last name is Frost?

What is your favorite season?

Be sure you tip Tommy. That was a joke, you can laugh. Tommy was really glad he had something different to do. He's always complaining about his job. He takes care of the library. So basically, he puts books away. And that's only when people come to the library. If you have time, you should visit the library. Not only would you be doing him a favor, but you would get to see all those books. I remember you said you like books, and I'm sure you'll love the library.

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