Throwback; Toni's pregnant

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-I think it's about time.-Toni said looking at her wife

-Time for what?.- Asked the redhead while removing the cushions from the bed

"To have another baby," Toni said cautiously, watching how her wife take the news

Cheryl stopped what she was doing and got up a bit.- oh .. she said softly, valuing her wife's words, her mind was working very fast now and she was thinking about a thousand things at once

-Maddie is 3 years old, Jason and Beatrice are 7.- said Toni hastily.- We already knew we were going to want to experience the experience both of us.- she said softly.- And I think we are ready.- Toni said standing in front of her wife

Cheryl smiled, it was true that she had agreed to that and the truth is that they managed very well with their three children.- I suppose you're right.- she said softly, the redhead was very excited that Toni would give her a child, and that go through the same experience as her.

"Babe, I want to do it, I really want to." Toni said, she couldn't help the big smile that formed on her face

Cheryl's smile became bigger.- I really want to too.- she said with emotion, she couldn't deny it, just a few minutes had passed since her wife told her about it and she was already looking forward to it.

Toni grabbed her face and gave her a strong kiss.-Great, tomorrow I call the clinic to start the treatment as soon as possible.-said Toni, moving away from the redhead, Cheryl was just as excited as her wife, the redhead hugged her tight a tear was already falling down her eye


It had been exactly three months since they started the treatment. Toni was working on her laptop when she suddenly wanted to vomit, she had to leave everything and run to the bathroom when she finished vomiting she thought for a moment that her period had not come down yet, she had not had much appetite for a few days and now This will cause all the alarms to go on, so she took the essentials and left the house to the nearest store to buy two pregnancy tests, as soon as she got home, she went directly to the bathroom and waited

-Okay, let's see it.- Toni said taking a breath, she had not called her wife because she did not want to worry her or make false hopes, she know how bad her wife gets when it´s negative so she decided to wait and in the first test was pregnant, Toni could not help smiling and a tear escaped her, she took another box with her hands trembling and did it again to confirm that it was not a mistake and indeed it came out positive Toni was anxious to be able to tell her wife and children and an idea of it crossed her mind

-I'm home.- said Cheryl entering the door

-Mommy.- said little Maddie running towards her, Cheryl took her in her arms and hugged her tightly

-What are you doing? she asked approaching her children, Jason and Beatrice were at the table doing their homework and Maddie was doing a puzzle on the floor

"Mates," the twins said at the same time, Cheryl gave each one a kiss and left Maddie on the floor to continue playing.

"Where's mama?" She ask at last

-Baby.- Toni said smiling, Cheryl turned around and looked at her wife at the door of her office immediately put a smile on her face. Toni went to her and kissed her passionately, Cheryl did not know what that was about but she was not going to stop her wife so she was delighted to reciprocate the kiss

-What is this pleasure due to? Cheryl asked with a smile when their lips parted.

Toni took her hand in hers, led her to their room, when they entered Toni closed the door behind her, Cheryl frowned as they always leave the doors open, the brunette guided her to the bed and made her sit on the foot of the bed. Toni took a bag that she had aside and handed it to her

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