Chapter Two: Myla and Laura !

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<Still Myla's POV>

It had been several hours since Kiba had left with Akamaru Junior. No, since he had left with Akamaru. The real Akamaru. God in heaven, I was losing my grip on reality. Since then, I had completed my few household chores, and was currently facedown on my couch, trying to convince myself to take slow, deep breaths. I started from the beginning, the small facts, and worked way from there.

I had found Akamaru in the parking lot. Kiba Inuzuka, the legit Kiba Inuzuka, weird triangles and all, had shown up at my door, looking for his dog in response to the flyers. We had talked for a moment or two, and then he had left, Akamaru in tow. Okay, those were the facts that I knew.

What I didn't know ? What the hell was going on? That's what I wanted to know.

Naruto. The anime, the manga, my favorite show for almost eight years. The manga that I owned over 35 volumes of. The characters in which I had fallen in love with. It was all a fantasy, made up, even though I'd always hoped it would be real.

And now it is ? What. The. HELL?

I let out a low, frustrated groan, levering myself off the couch. Rosie let out a disgruntled meow from the bottom of the couch, and I absent-mindedly reached down to pet her, smiling softly as she licked my fingers. Cranky old cat, sure, but I loved her more than anything. I leaned down and kissed her furry forehead, before standing up and stretching. I threw on some skinny jeans and a tanktop, fixing my ponytail and grabbing my shoulder bag. I grabbed my phone and speed dialed the one person who I knew I could trust in a totally bizarre situation like this.

"Yes?" Laura, my amazing best friend answered. I could hear her video games in the background.

"It's me," I said, trying to hold the phone with my shoulder while I searched for the matching flip flop to the one on my foot. After a few moments, I found it, and nearly fell on my face trying to balance on one foot to put it on the other.

"I'm aware," she retorted, "Caller ID, remember?"

"Shut up, we have a crisis," I said, and her voice immediately turned serious.

"Is everything okay?"

"Peachy," I said sarcastically, "I'll be at your house in 20 minutes. I don't care if you're busy, as of right now, you're not busy, got it?"

"You mean you expect me to pause my game for you?" she asked teasingly. I sighed.

"You'll be interested, believe me. I'll be there soon," I said.

"Mmkay. Bring back those shorts you borrowed last month," she told me.

"They're still dirty."

"Myla, that was over a month ago!!!!"

"Laura, you know how I am about clothes, I'm leaving now, I'll be there shortly," I said.

Laura sighed. "Byee..."

I hung up, shoved my phone and charger into my bag, grabbed my keys, ruffled Rosie's fur, and trotted down the stairs to the garage, calling my mother, who was at work.

"Mama, I'm going to Laura's for a bit, she has something for me," I fibbed.

"Okay, sweetheart. How's the dog?"

"The owner stopped by and got him. I love you Mama !"

"Wonderful ! Love you too, My."

I hung up once again, got in the car, and turned the key. Off to Laura's.

~~FF about 20 minutes~~

Laura was flopped out on her livingroom floor when I arrived, of course, having to let myself in.

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