Chapter Ten: Not Really a Real Chapter....

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*** OKAY THIS IS IMPORTANT. I have to update something, because of contest guidelines. However, fate was not kind, because I literally have NO wifi connection, so I can't update a whole big long chapter. I also can't use data on my phone very much because we're almost at our limit ... So, I'm posting a very short little filler chapter. I'm so sorry guys. Next chapter is fully planned out, so it'll be great, I promise !! Also, I had a date tonight, so I didn't get home until late ~ ;3 ***

<Third Person POV>

The sky was dark, the stars shining like silver sequins against the midnight blackish-blue. The outline of clouds was still visible in the dark sky. Two people lay on the grass, side by side, staring at the stars. A smaller third shape, a puppy, was curled between them. The girl turned to look at the boy as he reached out to touch her cheek. He leaned in, kissing her softly, the grass gently tickling their faces. She kissed back, closing her eyes as she rolled onto her side, longing to be closer to him. The puppy, seeming to know that he wasn't really wanted in that little space, got up and walked away, sniffing at a nearby bush before curling up with his tail over his nose. The two people, still kissing, moved closer. His hands settled on her hips, as hers twined around his neck, and their kisses became deeper and more passionate as his hands slowly moved up to her waist. She sighed softly, tilting her head, deepening the already intense kiss. His fingers played with the hem of her shirt, and a shiver passed through her body . . . .

<Myla's POV>

I sat up in bed with a gasp, my hand on my chest, my eyes wide, my hair stuck to my neck and forehead, which were covered in cold sweat. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my whole body was shaking. I fought for a few minutes to regain my breath. I rested my head in my hands, steadying my breathing, my eyes shut tight.

It wasn't unusual for me to have dreams about anime. But this? This wasn't normal. The feeling of Kiba's hands was too real, and I felt my whole body give a small shiver as I remembered the sensation.

'Get a grip, Myla,' I thought to myself. I looked at the time on my phone: 3:30AM. Knowing full well I wouldn't sleep again that night, I swung my legs out of bed and walked out onto the back porch, careful not to disturb Mama. I laid down on the porch swing, looking up at the stars.

What was happening ? Why were they here? Was there a reason? Or were the people from the Naruto world just popping up in my hometown for no reason at all? Looking back up at the stars, I was once again hit by my dream. I closed my eyes, trying to shake the feelings that the dream gave me. I felt like I was in love. Was it possible for me to love an anime character? 'Yes,' I told myself, but I still felt slightly queasy at the thought.

After continuing to stare at the stars for just a bit longer, I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and soon, despite the fact that I was outside, I sank into an uneasy sleep, still dwelling over my too-real dream. . . . .

**this has nothing to do with the story really, but I had to post something XD sorry guys. Next chapter is gonna be gooooooood~**

Read on, my lovlies ~

-Rei :3

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