Chapter 19: The End ...

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**so. This is it. I've kinda lost motivation for this story, hence me taking forever to update it. This will be the finale. I think I've dragged it out long enough, and who knows, I may go back and put it under construction, but I probably won't. Eh. Anyway, here ya go guys, and thanks for reading !**

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<Myla's POV>

It had been two glorious years since the day that I had found Akamaru in the parking lot of my local hometown pet store. I had finished college, and now had moved on to a better job with better pay, which was, ironically, teaching art classes with Kankuro at that art center. I loved my job, and, of course, I still loved Kiba.

We were living in a small apartment together, not too far from my mom's place, so that in case anything went wrong (yanno, with two semi-irresponsible people trying to make it on their own), we'd be close enough to get assistance if we needed it. The only regret I had was that I couldn't take my Rosie with me; but I still visited her almost every day if I could. Pets are family, and when you miss them, it always feels good to visit them.

I had just come home from work, and I opened the door, only to be nearly tackled to the ground by a considerably larger Akamaru. I hugged his neck and ruffled his fur, before kicking off my shoes and plopping down on the couch. Still thinking he was a lapdog, Akamaru followed. I groaned in discomfort as he plopped half of his weight on my lap. I heard Kiba laugh from the kitchen, and he poked his head around the doorway into the room.

"Good day at work?"

"Yeah," I said, winded from the large amount of weight squishing me to death. "You?"

"Yeah," he replied, coming to sit beside me, a cookie in his hand. Akamaru wiggled across my lap so that he could be on Kiba's too. Kiba worked as a dog trainer, holding obedience classes at the local shelter for people who had less-than-well-behaved canines on their hands. Multiple times, I had asked him if I could enroll him in the classes, to which he playfully shoved me and proceeded to send Akamaru after me. He nibbled on his cookie, before offering me a bite, which I happily took.

"Well," I said, trying not to spit crumbs everywhere, "it's early enough. Do you wanna go to dinner?"

He grinned. "Sure. We should shower first."

I nodded in agreement. "You smell like dog." He rolled his eyes.

"You have paint on your nose," he retaliated. I giggled.



We found ourselves at Applebee's again, which was our go-to restaurant. Our hands were entwined on top of the table, and his thumb was gently tracing circles on the back of my hand.

"Remember when we talked about what would happen if I had to go back to my own universe ?" Kiba asked. "We were sitting at this table."

I nodded. "Mmhm. However, I'm kind of hoping that by now, you don't have to go," I said. He nodded in agreement.

"Me, too."

We lapsed into silence for a bit, not uncomfortable silence, but just listening to the people around us and enjoying the company of one another. Eventually our food came, and we ate and joked and talked about mindless happenings, exchanging stories about the days' work and happenings. Time passed, and soon, the waitress was collecting our plates, and asking us if we wanted dessert, to which, of course, we said yes. Several moments later, we had a decent sized platter of ice cream, cheesecake, and chocolate brownies in front of us, as well as a spoon for each of us to dig in.

My phone buzzed, and I looked down, smiling as I saw it was from Laura. She was in her final year of college, away from home for the semester, and I missed her like crazy, but at least I had other things to occupy my time. I texted her back, grinning, before locking my phone, and turning back to my ice cream. I took another bite, and my teeth hit something strange. I made a face.

"That's an attractive look," Kiba teased.

"There's something in this," I said, trying to suck all the ice cream off of whatever it was. The shape of the object felt odd, and once I was sure it was clean, I spit it out into my hand.


<Laura's POV>

It wasn't comfortable fitting two people into a twin bed, but Kankuro and I managed. He was visiting me at school for the weekend, and I had to admit, it had been pretty awesome. I was shivering from head to toe, because I knew what was going on back home, and I was staring at my phone like a hawk.

"Laura, what are you doing?"


He tried to grab for my phone, but I held it out of his reach. "Nah. I'm waiting for something important."

"Which is?"

I opened my mouth to answer him, when the text I was waiting for came through and lit up my phone. I screamed and hurriedly texted Myla as fast as I could. Kankuro was bewildered.

"What the hell?"

"Kiba texted me. I had to text Myla."


I grinned. "She needed to be momentarily distracted. How else would Kiba slip a ring into her ice cream unnoticed ?"


<Kiba's POV>

I watched Myla's face as she spat the ring into her hand. Her expression went from curious, to confused, to shocked, all within about the three seconds it took for the realization to hit her. She looked up at me, her eyes wide.


I grinned at her. "I told you that I couldn't leave my friends and family to go back to my own universe. Now, though? Well, let's just say I think my family might be happier here." I stood up and walked over to her, and knelt down on one knee, taking her hand. I saw the tears spring to her eyes, and her free hand cover her mouth as she tried to process what was happening. Myla...Will you marry me?"

She broke down completely, which I expected from her, given that she cries over anything that causes any amount of emotion. She nodded, unable to form words, and I stood up to hug her as she leapt into my arms. People around us were clapping, and the manager even made our dessert on the house.

It was a pretty good night.


<Myla's POV>

I sat on the bed in our room, nuzzling Akamaru while Kiba laid beside me. I looked into the adorable face of the massive dog who was hogging the bed, and smiled.

"I have a lot to thank you for, you fluffball," I said. He licked my face in response, making me giggle. I hugged him close, laughing when his wagging tail kept smacking Kiba in the face repeatedly.

I don't know how or why, but my average and boring life had been combined with an anime. I don't know how or why, but I had fallen in love with someone I'd always admired. I don't know how or why, but everything had worked out, and we were getting married. They say that some of the greatest things in life are mysteries better left unsolved, and I agreed wholeheartedly. My life was amazing, and I was more than happy, all because of strange and mysterious happenings.

All because of the puppy I, a cat lover, had found in the parking lot, and used as a mascot in the pet store window.

Funny how things work out.

**And there you have it !! Hope you enjoyed !! Thanks for reading, my lovlies !!**

-Rei :3

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