Chapter 18: Life is Good

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<Myla's POV>

Kiba and I were sitting at one of my favorite restaurants of all time, Applebee's. It was a sports bar and grill kinda place, but it had some of the best steaks known to mankind. Knowing the menu by heart, I already had my order, but Kiba was taking his time, asking questions and opinions about all sorts of food on the menu, despite me telling him repeatedly that I only ate the steaks and didn't have a personal opinion on the other foods. Nonetheless, he eventually decided what he wanted, and we both waited for the waitress to come along.

"So Myla, can I ask you something?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Besides what you just asked me?" I teased. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, smartass. What did you want to talk to me about the other day?"

I had expected him to ask this, and had rehearsed my answer in case he did. With a sigh, I prattled off my answer.

"About us, and what would happen if and/or when you go back to your own world. I just wanted to hear your opinions and thoughts on the matter, that's all," I said carefully. He nodded.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that, too," he said. This startled me a little.


He nodded again. "Yeah. I don't wanna leave you here, but I can't leave all my friends and family, either."

I nodded. "I wouldn't expect you too. Who knows, maybe we'll find out that we don't have to worry about it any time soon. Or maybe," I teased with a wink, "you'll be stuck with us non-ninja humans forever."

He grinned. "I wouldn't complain. Say, Myla? Did you like me before you met me?"

I choked on my Pepsi. "What?"

He was smirking. "Yanno. Watching me on TV. Reading about me."

I felt a hot blush creep up into my cheeks. "Yes."

"Did you have dreams about me?"

"Kiba that's disgusting."

"Just asking, love."

At that moment, I was saved by the waitress coming to take our orders.


The conversation was easy and flowed freely all throughout dinner. Since I had offered to drive, he left it up to me what we were going to do after dinner. Not really knowing what else to do, I suggested we wander around the shopping plaza until we could think of something better. This turned out to be one of the best ideas I'd ever had.

As reluctant as I was to visit the pet store where I worked, we went there first, to pick up some food for Akamaru. Next, we went to Walmart, which was an adventure in itself. Never had I thought two people could have so much fun in a crowded superstore, but we did. We tested out video games, laptops, and put on a fashion show in the dressing rooms. We ran down the aisles sticking plungers to the floor, and running at each other full speed with yoga balls, seeing which one of us could stay standing longest. By the time we had worn out Walmart and experienced all its adventures, it was 10:00PM, and we were both exhausted, but totally happy.

On the way home, we stopped at the grocery store, because Kiba had eaten most of Naruto's food. I was wandering up and down the aisles, picking up my own favorite snacks, when a thought dawned on me.

"Kiba, where the hell did you guys get all this money?" I asked. "You guys can grocery shop, rent movies, pay rent, water, and electricity bills, and have smartphones. How?"

He shrugged. "No ideas. We all had these cards in our pockets that we can buy stuff with without paying for it."

"Credit cards, then," I said. "You know, you eventually have to pay those back."

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