Chapter Eleven: Because I Can

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**So just a note: I'm currently at my gramma's and literally have like no time to write this so I had huge plans for this chapter but guess what? That's gonna be next time. Yeah. life is nuts right now, we're moving and I have school stuff and it's seriously nuts. Sooooooo...... Yeah. Sorry about that. I keep promising these astounding chapters and then realize I have no time whatsoever to write them. Guess who's gonna start prewriting??? Yeah, me. Anyway, yeah. I don't know how good this will be, no time to write it, but oh well!! **

<Laura's POV>

Once again, it was late on a Saturday night, and once again, I was laying facedown on my bed with nothing to do. I could hear my mom and sister arguing from the next room, and I could hear the dogs barking as well. Groaning, I shoved my head into my pillow. Myla had fallen asleep early, so now it was just me and my fluffy blue teddy bear.

"Well, Jacques," I told him, "It's just you and me tonight." The bear just looked at me with unseeing eyes. Why would I expect a different result? It's a stupid bear.

I was startled by a sudden buzzing, and looked down to see that my phone had gone off. My eyes widened as I saw the contact name of 'Puppet Boy'. I snatched up my phone and read the text.

'Wanna bang?'

My eyes shot open wide, and my mouth literally fell open. I was just about to text him back a very snarky 'at least take me out to dinner first' when a second text came through.

'hang* sorry, my bad.'

I snickered. 'Like you would have said no if I agreed(;' I responded. His reply of 'Like you would agree anyway' was almost immediate. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

'Yeah, I'll hang. Where you wanna meet?'

A few minutes passed before he responded with 'Meet me at Kiba and Naruto's apartment, we'll go from there.'

After a quick 'ok', I threw on some shoes and whipped my hair into a ponytail, walking outta my room.

"Mom, I'm going to My's," I said. Sure, it wasn't the total truth, but hey.

"Why?" my mom asked. "Weren't you just there?"

I shrugged. "Because I can. I love you, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Love you too, Laura."

After a quick goodbye to my sister and the dogs, I hopped into my truck and headed to Kiba an Naruto's. I couldn't help feeling excited about what my night was about to be like.

>>>>FF 20 MINS>>>>

I pulled into the driveway of the apartment, and sure enough, Kankuro was waiting for me there. He greeted me with a cheeky grin and a kiss to the cheek.

"So I have like 7 movies that we could watch," he told me. I shrugged.

"Sounds good, I'm just happy to be out of the house, I replied. He grinned again.

"Great. I brought cookies."

I grinned at him. "You da best."

>>>FF 4 hours because my gramma is getting mad that I'm still on the computer>>>

After falling asleep on Kankuro twice, we decided that it probably wasn't a good idea for me to go home. I couldn't go to Myla's, because she was already asleep. So, I did the next best thing.

"I'm sleeping here, so, you can either stay with me or go to wherever it is you go when you don't stay here," I said. He grinned.

"I believe I'll stay," he said, before wrapping me in a hug and pulling me so I was lying on his chest. I smiled, closed my eyes, and soon fell asleep.

I could definitely get used to this.

*HI I know it sucked I'm so sorry but I really have to go because I have a feeling I'm gonna get kicked off of here anyway I'm so sorry I know you hate me bye*

-Rei 0_o

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