Chapter 5: Crack Chapter Anyone? ~

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***Alright, time to update again ! I wanted to do a crack chapter, and thanks to Shippo-chan, I can !! If you haven't already, check out her Karin love story, "The Cyclist"... it's really good!!***

<Kiba's POV>

I sat in the coffee shop with Kankuro. According to Kankuro's brother Gaara, apparently the coffee here was good. I sipped at my drink, lost in thought. Part of me felt very uneasy, particularly because Akamaru was back at the apartment with that idiot Naruto. That, plus the fact that I didn't know what the hell was going on in my head about Myla? I was wound tighter than a rubber ball.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I received a sharp elbow to the ribs from Kankuro. "Ow!" I yelped, "What the heck was that for ?!" Then I realized.

Myla had just walked in, with a blonde girl tailing behind her, chatting away. I assumed this was the girl she had mentioned... Laura, I think. I immediately froze, which was unusual for me.

"Act natural," I snapped at Kankuro, who rolled his eyes in response. Then it dawned on me. "How did you even know what she looked like, you haven't met her !!"

Kankuro scoffed. "You've only talked about her since you met her, I put two and two together." I groaned and dropped my head into my hands.

Making matters better and worse at the same time, Myla and her friend sat at a table next to ours. I smiled and waved, trying to pretend like nothing was wrong.

Which is when it all went to hell and back.

<Kankuro's POV>

Perfect. They were in range... now to let the fun begin.

"You were right, Kiba! Myla IS really cute!" I said to Kiba, making his head shoot up. Myla shot us a sideways glance from her table, but otherwise didn't reply. Kiba looked horrified.

"DUDE," he said. I just smirked.

"You were totally right, she COULD be a model!" I continued. This time, Myla definitely turned red, and her friend was trying to not spit out her drink due to laughter. Kiba snarled.

"I will end you," he growled at me, but that didn't stop me. I shot a look over at Myla, then back to Kiba.

"She DOES have a nice ass!" I said, excited. Kiba tried to slap me across the table, and Myla was starting to turn as red as her hair. Her friend was dying of laughter, and I decided I liked this girl. She was fun.

<Laura's POV>

Kankuro was obviously trying to get on Kiba's nerves, and boy, was it working. Kiba was furious, and poor Myla was as red as her ginger hair. I could barely contain my laughter, trying not to snort into my drink and fall off my chair.

Actually I was trying not to hardcore fangirl, as I was sitting like, ten feet away from my anime crush of a lifetime... He seemed to like looking at me, and I was throwing myself into the flirtation game as hard as I could. He was gorgeous, and I wasn't passing up this opportunity.

Things were starting to get interesting around here.....

<Myla's POV>

Oh. My. God.

What was happening.

Did Kiba really say that stuff?

Was Kankuro just being a jerk?




I could feel my face burning, and my heart starting to race. Laura was making bedroom eyes at Kankuro, laughing at my misery, and Kiba looked furious. Kiba. Did he like me? Was he really talking about me? Did I like him? I talked about him a lot, or so Laura had said. I groaned, glaring at my coffee.

What the hell was I getting into?

***Hi, sorry this is so short. I actually was doing like 3,000,000,000 other things at once and this took me a while to write, but I had to post something tonight... *facepalms*. I'm sorry it's not too good, but the next chapter will be better, because I know what I want to happen next ! Thanks again to Shippo-chan for the hysterical idea of the coffee shop ! This chapter would not have gotten written if it wasn't for you!!***

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