Chapter Six: It was NOT a Date !!

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**It's that time again ! ~ Another update for this story~ Hmm.... What to do... What to do.... Teehee~ I have a few ideas~ Enjoy!!**

<Myla's POV>

I picked up my bag, still groggy. Why did I schedule summer classes? Because I wanted to be ambitious, that's why. Why did I want to be ambitious? Because I wanted to graduate as soon as possible. Why did I want to do that? Lord only knows, because it's not like I'll be able to find a job in my field.

'At least my degree will look pretty on the wall,' I thought bitterly as I slung my bag over my shoulder. Grabbing a granola bar and a bottle of water, I kissed Rosie's head, and headed to my car.

The whole way to school, I couldn't stop thinking about my little adventure to the shelter with Kiba. Was it considered a date? Maybe? No. I shook my head. It was NOT a date. I was not going on dates with anime characters. However...

Part of me wanted it to be a date.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I was being stupid. I doubt he was thinking about me as much as I was thinking about him. Can you blame him? I was a little taller than average, and slightly overweight. Mama called it 'curvy'. I called it 'pudgy'. Laura called it 'sexy as hell'. Wonder what Kiba would call it.....?

I shook my head. "Get it together, Myla," I told myself out loud, "You have more important things to worry about."

And that was the moment that I realized I forgot to study for the quiz that I had today.


>>>Short Time Skip>>>

For the entirety of my class (thank God it was an easy quiz), I didn't pay much attention. I doodled on my paper absently, thinking about everything but my class. Finally, we were dismissed. I happily picked up my bag, and went for the door. However, I was stopped before I got there.


I looked over my shoulder, groaning inwardly and rolling my eyes. There was this kid in my class who wouldn't leave me alone, no matter how blatantly I told him that I wasn't interested. Heck, I'd even told him that he was annoying and that his voice made me hate my life. Gotta give him credit for trying I guess.

"What?" I asked. I didn't even bother to pretend to be friendly.

"You look nice today," he said.

I looked down at my athletic shorts and my tanktop, then back at him. "Thanks," I said half-heartedly.

"Wanna go grab coffee?" he asked.


"Why not?"

"You bother me."

"Why're you so mean to me?"

"Because you bother me," I said again. I ran a hand through my still-damp curls and sighed. "Look, I'd be more inclined to speak to you if you quit trying to hit on me every time you see me," I told him. "I'm not interested, so quit trying."

"What?" he asked, his voice somewhat snide, "You got another man?"

"Yes," I said, before I could stop myself. After that, I just continued to roll with it. "In fact, I have to go meet him, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be going now."

And with that, I turned and walked away. I made it to my car and got in, closing the door a little harder than necessary.

Lukas Harver. I'd dated him once in high school, and he had cheated on me. Twice. So, having self respect, I moved on. Sure, I still spoke to the kid, as I felt bad that he had no friends, but still, he bothered me with his constant advances. Sighing, I brushed my hair from my eyes once more. I wondered if Kiba was home... after all, I said I was going to his place...

Making a split decision that I hoped I wouldn't regret, I backed out of the parking lot and headed towards Naruto and Kiba's apartment.

<Kiba's POV>

I was sitting on the old couch in the living room, playing a lazy game of tug-o-war with Akamaru. I heard a car outside, and, confused, I got up to see who it was. My heart did a small flip as I saw a familiar head of red curls. What was Myla doing here?!

Akamaru started happily yapping at the door, recognizing Myla as soon as he saw her. The little dog was just as happy to see her as I was. I waited until I heard her knock, before pulling open the door.

"Hey," I said, trying to calm myself down. She shot me a half smile back.

"Hey," she replied. She looked nervous. "Um... you're probably wondering why I'm here...."

"Yeah, but go ahead and come in," I said, stepping aside and giving her room to enter. She did, and took a seat on the couch, giggling when Akamaru leaped into her lap. I closed the door and sat on a chair instead. "So... what brings you here?" I asked.

<Myla's POV>

"So... what brings you here?" Kiba asked. I shrugged one shoulder, deciding to be honest with him.

"I had a class this morning," I said. "There's this kid who never leaves me alone, and he tried to ask me out for coffee, but I told him that he was bothering me and I didn't want to. He asked if I had other plans, and so I told him I was going to a friend's house..." I trailed. Okay, so I lied a little. I omitted the part about claiming to have a boyfriend, said boyfriend being Kiba.

He crinkled his nose. "Sounds like a jerk."

"He is," I giggled. "So, I came here, because I didn't feel like driving all the way out to Laura's," I said. And then, for some reason, I added, "I also kinda wanted to see you."

He tilted his head, and a small, lopsided smile spread across his face, making my heart flutter.

"Glad you decided to stop," he said. I felt a smile pull at my lips.

"Me, too."

**Teehee~ Leavin ya hangin until next time!! Hope you liked it ~ Thanks for reading, tune in for the next update! Until next time, my lovlies~*

-Rei :3

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