Chapter Four: She's NOT My Girlfriend !!

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***So guess who forgot to update again ! *shoots self* Anyway, Im'ma try to make this good ! I wanted to write a crack chapter, but since I'm doing a crack chapter for my Gaara story, I guess I'll do a legit chapter for this one ! Maybe I'll do a crack chapter NEXT time !! Enjoy !!***

 <Still Myla's POV>

I pulled into the animal shelter, fighting a smile. Surprisingly, the 20 minute drive was not the awkward silence I expected it to be. Kiba was just as hysterical in person as he was in the manga, and we had talked the whole way. We got along fairly well for people who were technically from two different worlds. I still hadn't found out whether or not they knew they were in the wrong place, whether they were supposed to be here, how they got here, or any of that. Frankly, at the current moment, I didn't care. My inner fangirl was squealing and spinning in circles, and it was everything I could do to stop my outer fangirl from doing the same.

"Nice place," Kiba commented, staring at the shelter building. I nodded, locking my car after we both got out.

"It used to be really rundown," I commented. "But it was completely rebuilt several years ago, and now it's really nice," I continued, walking to the front door. I turned to him before I opened it.

"You might wanna pick him up," I said, "He doesn't seem like the type to run away, but they'd probably feel better if you had a hold of him." Kiba nodded, and zipped Akamaru up into his jacket. I smiled, and opened the doors, leading us both inside.

The people behind the front desk greeted us with friendly smiles, and said hello to me by name. I spent a lot of time here playing with the animals, especially the kittens. I said hello and waved to them, being thankful that none of them were into anime like I was. That could've been problematic. Once we were in the hallway, I looked at Kiba.

"It's gonna be loud in here, and you probably won't want to put him down," I said, scratching Akamaru's ears. "The other dogs will go nuts."

Kiba nodded, and I opened the door into the first room where we kept the dogs. The barking started immediately, and I grabbed a few treats from a box, using them to bribe certain dogs into a somewhat silence. I handed a few to Kiba, and watched as he interacted with the dogs, petting them through the cages and laughing when they tried to kiss him. They all went wild once they realized Akamaru, but Akamaru was calm and happy, sniffing at his new potential friends, his little body wiggling inside Kiba's jacket.

After about an hour, I told Kiba that I should probably get home, and asked him if there was somewhere I could drop him off. He told me that he was staying with a buddy of his, which immediately made me both excited and terrified at the same time. Now who would I run into? We got back into my car, and he gave me directions to an apartment . . . . about two streets over from where I lived. Oh boy.

I pulled into the driveway, wondering whether or not I should get out of the car. I didn't have long to ponder it, though, because the door on the second floor of the complex opened, and out popped the familiar blonde head of Naruto Uzumaki. I honestly thought I was going to faint at the wheel.

"I wondered where you went!!" Naruto yelled. Then he saw me, and his face split into a wicked grin. "Oooh, Kiba, you didn't tell me you got yourself a girlfriend !!"

"She's not my girlfriend, dumbass!!" Kiba yelled in response. I flushed. Kiba's girlfriend? Yeah, only in my fangirl-crazed dreams.

"Suuure," Naruto taunted. Kiba growled.

"She's the girl I told you about, the one who found Akamaru! She was showing me around, that's all!" Kiba defended himself. Naruto looked at me, still sitting in the car, unsure of what to do.

"You're right, man, she is pretty," Naruto said, still smirking. I felt my face heat up.

"Shut UP Naruto!!" He yelled. He looked at me, almost apologetically. "Sorry about him, he's an idiot."

"Am not !" Naruto yelled. I giggled.

"It's fine," I said, not really knowing what to say. "I guess I should get home... I have a phone call to make, and I have to write a paper for my class tomorrow afternoon," I continued. It was true, I did have to write a paper. Of course, it wasn't due for another week, but I figured I should probably at least start it. Besides, I would bet most of my life savings that I had about 400 texts and missed calls from Laura that I had to respond to. I said my goodbyes, put the car in drive, and made my way home.

 As soon as I walked up the stairs, I pulled out my phone, scared to see how many angry texts there were. I hadn't answered Laura in almost two hours, and I'm sure she was getting pretty miffed. I unlocked my phone, and laughed. 250 texts, and 13 missed calls. Yep, that was Laura all right. Mama wouldn't be home for a while, so I plopped onto my couch and dialed my best friend's number.


"Hello to you too," I said dryly. Laura growled.

"Tell. me. everything," she said. Even though she couldn't see me, I shrugged.

"There isn't much to tell."

"Myla Davis, you have 30 seconds," she threatened. I sighed, fighting the urge to laugh.

"Alright, alright," I said, admitting defeat. "Here's what went down...."

 <Kiba's POV (Ooooh ~**)>

I sat down on the futon in the guest bedroom and sighed, scratching Akamaru with one hand. I didn't know where the hell we were or how we got here, but it didn't seem too bad, to be honest. I didn't want to ask that girl, Myla, for fear of her thinking I was nuts. She seemed pretty open minded, though, and we got along. 

I didn't know why I couldn't stop thinking about her. She wasn't the kind of girl I normally looked at, nor did I even hardly know her. She just seemed magnetic, though, like I didn't want her to leave. And she wasn't exactly ugly, either. I groaned.

"What the hell is going on around here, boy?" I asked Akamaru. He barked in response, putting his paws on my chest and licking my nose. I chuckled and nuzzled his face, grinning.

I guess I'd just worry about it later.

***Another chapter done !! I dunno, I really liked this one, and I finally put some Kiba x Myla in there !!~** Teehee ! Also, I figured this would be as good of a place as any to bring in Naruto ! Because of course, I had to bring in Naruto. Anyhoo, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment and vote ! Until next update, my lovlies !! ***

-Rei :3

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