Lightning Rod

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The day came..

Techno stood in L'manberg with Philza. Dream was on the obsidian grid setting up the TNT.

Tommy witnesses it. He doesn't immediately attack Techno. He doesn't attack the hound army. He doesn't attack Phil or Dream. He just states at L'manberg. He knows it'll be the last time he'll see it. He saw how many withers Techno had. They're doomed.

In battle Tommy tried to reason with Techno. He kept saying things that he himself knew weren't true. He tears up knowing he's already far too deep. He lost a friend over the stupid discs once again.

Why can't he stop being a child?

Why is he so immature?

While Techno finishes his speech, Tommy cries out hitting his own head. Everyone stops looking at their direction. "Tommy?" Tubbo reaches out to him only to get smacked. Tommy kept hitting his head repeating the words "I'm so stupid!". Techno glances at Phil who whispers to him to be patient. Being Tommy's father he knows Tommy will stop hitting his own head soon.

It didn't stop.

Tommy fell to his knees distraught still hitting his head. He managed to start bleeding. Techno glances to a panicked Phil. Phil stood his ground. His son was a traitor. This is Tommy's lesson. He whispers to Techno to not intervene. Techno whispers back why.  Phil replies saying Tommy needed to learn his lesson. Techno looks back at Tommy.

Tubbo kept trying to stop Tommy. Even grabbed the others hand to make him stop. Tommy only pushes Tubbo but that didn't stop the bee lover. Everyone just stared not knowing if they should help or not.

Ranboo stared at the sight. He needs to help Tommy. Tommy helped him. Help Tommy.

Dream smiles at the bloody sight. He sits on the ledge with a grin. "You came to me Tommy.. This wouldn't have happened if you did.." Tommy looks at Dream. His comfort. No he manipulated you. He was the only one there for him. No you had Ghostbur and Ranboo! Ranboo.. Tommy spots the lad in front of him. He pulls Tommy into a hug making sure the others hands weren't on his head. "Tsk. Ranboo ruined it" Dream gets up as the show was ruined.

Tubbo puts his hand out for Tommy to grab. Tommy grabs it with a shakey hand. He hugs Ranboo with his other arm. "Have I been a bad friend?" He asks Ranboo. Ranboo thinks about it. "You have to some of your friends" Tommy couldn't bare to hear it. He thought he was doing what was right for his friends. He didn't want to hurt them. "Nice moment here but I have to kill Tommy and Tubbo.. Ranboo please move" Ranboo let's go of Tommy. He whispers to Tommy to do what's right. He teleports away with Tommy and Tubbo alone. It was raining. Tommy stands in front of Tubbo. "Just take my last canon life. Please"

Phil looks at a familiar scene. Way too familiar. "Do it Techno! Kill me! As long as no one else gets hurt!" Niki who was beside Phil smiles. "KILL HIM TECHNO" She yells with Fundy giggling after her statement. Tommy tears up hearing that. The voices were towering over the other voices. All of them want blood. The little few were yelling at him to not. "Techno you heard them..." Tubbo shook his head trying to get in front of Tommy. Techno held his rocket launcher facing Tommy.

Then it happened.

The world couldn't stand by just for one day.

Lightning strucks Tommy as he screams bloody murder. His eyes close and he falls to the ground. Techno didn't have to do anything. The people who wanted Tommy dead were satisfied nonetheless. Philza lost another son. Ghostbur was now in view. He stares at Tommy's lifeless body then at the destruction. He looks at Techno. "You did this?" Techno didn't know to what he was referring to. Tubbo held onto Tommy's body crying. Dream was pissed. He disappeared as he wants Tommy alive. Their story ends if Tommy is dead.

"Did you kill Tommy Techno?" Techno shook his head no. Ghostbur looks down at Tommy. "He never liked the thought of dying young.. Up until Exile.. I remember finding him drowning himself in the ocean.. Remember Tommy staring at lava as if it'll set him free" He laughs a bit. "He was always happy to see Dream.. At the beginning he wasn't.. Dream always asked for any weapons and armor.. I don't know what he did to him when I went on a adventure"

Everyone was now silent taking in the new information. Ghostbur continued talking about Tommy. "I remember so clearly he wanted to throw a party for people to come! He told me no one showed up... That Dream told him it was my fault.. I told Tommy that Dream told me he'd take care of invitations" He frowns a bit before smiling and throwing blue to everyone. "Have some blue! It'll calm you!" Techno looks at Tommy then at Ghostbur. "Tommy was just a kid.." Tubbo says still hugging a corpse. "I'm just a kid.. Ranboo is just a kid!" He yells looking up at all the adults. "We didn't ask to be in this situation! We had to step up to please you all! If it's not good enough, we're struck down!"

Tommy's body twitched but no one notices. "Why can't we just be children? We just wanted to live our lives.." Tubbo sighs looking down at Tommy. Tommy's eyes shot open making the boy scream. He sat up immediately. Hyperventilating and looking around at his surroundings. "N-No.." He says looking at Techno. "No! I want to be dead!" He gets up backing up. He bumps into Dream who shook his head at him. "I told you it wasn't your time to die Tommy" Dream says grabbing his wrist tightly. "No Dream please!" Tubbo lunges at Dream to let go of Tommy. Dream pushes Tubbo away with ease. "You got what you wanted Techno. I now have mine" Techno stares at Dream furrowing his eyebrows. Tommy kept trying to pull his wrist away. "Help! Let go!" Dream soon drags Tommy away. "Let's take you far away Tommy"

No one even flinched to save Tommy. Ghostbur smiles following the two close behind. "No not again! Dream please!" Tommy was dragged away from everyone.


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