Merry Christmas Babe

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(Guess the ship before you read. It's more interesting that way)

Christmas was around the corner.

What was he gonna get the other?

He looks down at his ring. His ears lower with a sigh. What would Dream appreciate? His attention was now on the door. His tail sways side to side at a fast pace. The door opens wide revealing the smiley masked man. "Fundy I'm home" Fundy gets up hugging Dream immediately. "Welcome home!" Dream chuckles wrapping his arms around Fundy's waist. Fundy nuzzles his nose against Dream's neck. "I got your gift already"

"Really?" Dream nods his head lifting up his mask revealing his lips. Fundy moves as he kisses Dream on the lips. "I still haven't got yours yet" He pulls away shyly looking at the floor. "Whatever you get me I'll love it" Dream now leaves Fundy alone. Fundy looks back down at his ring. Soon a perfect gift floats through his mind. He then walks to where Dream was happily. Dream was cooking them something for dinner. "I figured out what to get you!"

Fundy sits on the counter watching Dream prepare chicken rice with mashed potatoes. Dream ruffles up his hair. "Oh really?" Fundy's tail was swaying once more. His ears perked up with interest. "Yup!" Dream wasn't wearing his mask at the moment. So Fundy gets the best view of his husband's face. If you're wondering, yes they had a rocky start. This rocky start was actually at the wedding. When George interrupts it and kisses his lover. Where George stated that Dream didn't pull away.

You might say that he should've divorced Dream. He didn't. The two moved in together. Dream trying to explain and Fundy avoiding him. When Dream would come home, he'd hear him crying. But one day did turn things around.

As usual days, Dream would come home to Fundy crying. This time though he decides to go inside the room. Opening the door, the foxes ears twitch as he looks at the direction of the noise. There stands his husband. Fundy wipes away his tears looking away. "What do you need?" Dream enters the room sitting next to Fundy. "Please let me explain myself" Fundy stays silent staring at the bed side table. "I didn't pull away because I was in shock... I don't love George at all! I love you!" Dream carefully grabs a hold of Fundy's hands. Fundy looks at him. Those teary eyes once again.

So yeah. As cheesy as it was that is what led to how they are now. "I don't get why you wear that mask" Fundy swings his legs as Dream finishes up. Dream laughs at this. "Go sit at the couch my love" Fundy gets off the counter rushing to the couch. His tail moving so fast. "I can't wait for Christmas!" Dream sits next to him placing their plates of food on the coffee table. "Reminds me.. Sapnap invited us to a Christmas party in Christmas" Fundy takes the plate kisses Dream's cheek as a thank you for the meal. "Presents before we attend the party?" Dream picks up his own plate. "Of course"

Christmas Day!

Fundy was nervous. His gift was very cheesy. Very dorky. He bit his lip watching Dream come out with his gift for Fundy. "I bet you'll like it" Dream winks handing him the gift. Fundy cuddles up against Dream as the other sat down. He opens the gift to see a... Maid outfit and those slutty Santa dresses. He looks at Dream who laughs at his reaction. "This is a joke right?" Dream nods his head handing Fundy something shiny. Fundy takes it staring at if in awe. It was a necklace with fox ears and dreams mask as the things on it. "It also has a voice message of me for when I leave on long trips" Fundy hugs Dream wagging his tail. "I love you" Dream kisses his forehead. "I love you too. Now where's my present?" Fundy lets go getting off the bed. "I have to go prepare it!"

Dream watches Fundy leave with the Santa dress. What is his husband planning?

Soon enough, Fundy calls Dream to the living room. Dream enters seeing to Fundy. A big present waiting for him. He opens it with his fox husband in the Santa dress pop ouf. Fundy was holding a weapon that looked so strong with a bow wrapped around it. "Merry Christmas Babe!" Dream crosses his arms with a smirk. "Who knew I'd get my husband for Christmas" Fundy laughs handing over the weapon. "I'm not the present silly!" Dream takes the weapon putting it on the couch. He pulls Fundy close to him. He wraps his arms around the Fox's waist. "Nah you are my present" Fundy wraps his arms around Dream's neck. "So I got the weapon for nothing?"

"No no.." Dream kisses Fundy who kisses back. "You're just the real gift" Fundy smiles wide as his tail was wagging fast. Dream stares lovingly into Fundy's eyes. Fundy stares back. A calming silence fills between the two..


Dream takes out his phone answering it. "Dream where are you? You promised you'd bring the mistle toe!" Sapnap was on the other end. "I'll be there in a bit" Dream hangs up on Sapnap. "You need to change Fundy. I don't want anyone else looking at you in that outfit but me" Fundy laughs again leaving to the bedroom to change.

At the party, Sapnap kept pulling Karl under the mistle toe for kisses. Karl didn't complain because it was adorable. Dream and Fundy were sat on the couch talking to Wilbur and Eret. Quackity kept taking the eggnog away from Schlatt. Tommy and Tubbo started a snow ball fight with Techno outside. Techno winning if course. Phil was preparing dinner. "Sapnap this is the 30th time" Karl giggles giving Sapnap yet another peck on the lips. "I just love your kisses!" Sapnap says making Karl flustered.

Dream looks at Fundy. Fundy notices eyes on him so he looks at Dream. "Something wrong Dreamy?" Dream shook his head. He kisses Fundy on the lips once again.

"Merry Christmas Fundy"


A/N HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! Hope y'all are having fun and enjoyed this story that I wrote in two days! Aka on Tubbo's Birthday and Christmas Eve which is Today! Have a fantastic day! Mwah! 💖

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