I'm going dark :)

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(Idea/Request from this lovely v)

(Idea/Request from this lovely v)

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Everyone was streaming Among Us. The group contained Tommyinnit, Tubbo_, Nihachu, WilburSoot, Philza, Jschlatt, Technoblade, Quackity, and Fundy. They all were having fun. Well that's what the viewers though. On Tubbo's stream, he looked annoyed while Tommy was speaking. Everyone on his stream were asking what's wrong. They were currently in the lobby waiting for Wilbur to join back. Tommy was going on about how Wilbur was treating him lately. Tubbo breathes in unmuting himself. "Tommy can you shut up! You're being annoying! You are so fucking rude to all of us! Just shut up!" Tommy was taken back by this. He mutters a sorry before saying he had to go anyways. "I-I'm tired..." He leaves the game before leaving the voice call.

His chat was asking him what's wrong and if he was okay. He ignores it with a fake smile. "We'll be raiding Wilbur! You guys enjoy his stream! I'll be taking a break everyone! Bye!" He ends the stream sending all his viewers to Wilbur. Wilbur finally entered the lobby everyone was in. He had his mic unmuted when the raid happened. "Guys Tommy raided me!" Tubbo hears this very confused. "But he promised he'd raid me after his stream" Wilbur laughs at this. "Guess he broke his promise. To this Tubbo immediately dms Tommy asking him questions. To that Tommy didn't respond.

Then he got a notification of Tommy saying "Hey guys I'm going dark... Basically I'm taking a break from everything. Remember to call a woman yours!". Tubbo scoffs shaking his head. He knew the other must be joking. Right?

Month has passed, Tommy hasn't eaten any food. He had stayed up for so long he couldn't tell you what time it was. His parents were worried because he hasn't left his room. He only let in Betty and Walter into his room. It upset him greatly. He lays curled in a ball on his bed with Betty laying next to him. He pets her fur with a frown. "Am I annoying?" Betty growls lowly at this. Tommy rolls his eyes at this. "What would you know? You're just a bitch" Betty barks then licks his cheek. "Betty!" Tommy sighs sitting up. He hasn't been on social media since... He turns on his phone. Then he gets flooded with notifications asking if he was okay.

"What a bunch of idiots... It's only been a month" He quickly scolded himself. His stomach grumbled but he didn't care. He soon got notifications for a bunch of missed calls on discord. Most were from Tubbo. He scoffs tweeting out "I'm fine everyone. I'm taking some time off".  His tweet soon got flooded by people. He didn't reply to any of them. Some people replying to his tweet called him an attention seeker. Telling him that what Tubbo said was true. #CancelTommyinnit had been trending for a while. He turns off his phone not wanting to bother with the world.

Two months has passed, Tommy's body and health was in a horrible state. He finally got up and out of his room. He was on his phone going to discord. Wilbur was online. He goes to their dms reading the recent message Wilbur sent.

WilburSoot December 15 2020 9:45 am
Tommy just answer us! Or atleast answer me!

Tommy decided to send Wilbur a text message.

Tommyinnit December 15 2020 9:47 am
Hey Wilbur... Are you streaming today?

Immediately after the text, Wilbur started calling him. Tommy freaked out but pressed the answer button. The call was on speaker. "Tommy where have you been? You've been gone for three weeks! Do you know how worried everyone is?" Tommy didn't answer him. He was processing all the questions. "Tommy?" Wilbur sounds very worried. He did think of Tommy as his little brother. "I have just been in my room" Tommy's voice was rough. Probably due to the lack of water. "Tommy have you eaten or drinked anything?" Wilbur asks with the background sounding like he's on the road. "No..." Tommy heard the car stop before knocking at his door.

He opens the door to reveal a very upset Wilbur. "You're eating come on" Wilbur grabs Tommy's arm dragging him to his car. "Wilbur! Let go!" Tommy was shoved into the passenger seat. Wilbur got on the driver's side. "Put on your seatbelt. We're going to McDonalds" Tommy sighs putting on his seatbelt. Wilbur puts on his seatbelt then starts the car. They were driving away from Tommy's home. "I can't fucking believe you've been starving yourself! Have you not slept as well?!" Tommy flinches at the loud noise. "No I haven't slept but it-" Wilbur cuts him off. "No it's not fucking fine"

"Wilbur you're not my dad!" Tommy leans his head on the window. "Take a nap Tommy" Wilbur says putting on music but lowly. Tommy yawns closing his eyes. "I don't want... To..." He drifts off to sleep.

"Tommy wake up. I got you food" Tommy wakes up to Wilbur's booming voice. "I'm not-" Wilbur puts a fry into is mouth. "I'm telling Phil you starved yourself" Tommy whines shaking his head. "Don't tell Philza!" Wilbur hands him the bag filled with burgers and fries. Tommy takes the bag sighing. "Then eat" Wilbur was already driving back to Tommy's place. Tommy takes out a burger from the bag. He unwraps it feeling his stomach tie up in knots. He slowly takes a bite. As soon as he swallowed, he then devoured the whole thing. "Eat it all"

Inside of Tommy's room, Wilbur convinced him to start a stream. It was a bit too early, but Wilbur forced him. The face cam was off and the chat was flooding with questions about him. "I'm fine everyone. I also have Wilbur with me. Say Hello Wilbur" Tommy looks at Wilbur who was texting someone. "Hello Everyone!" The chat started spamming awwes. "Tommy Philza invited you to an among us game" Tommy shook his head at Wilbur clearly not ready for that. "Come on Tommy. Just one game and then we can just sit here and talk"

"Fine" Tommy looks at his other monitor texting Dadza. Dadza immediately asked him questions to which Tommy replies to. He was sent a link to the discord they were in. He joins the discord then starts up Among us. He joins the vc before hearing his voice. "Tommy where have you been?" He didn't answer him. He just froze up. "Tommy..." Wilbur points to the food then to them on discord. Tommy nods his head. "I-I have been in my house..." He was still eating due to Wilbur making him to. He eats a fry listening to the others. "Where is Wilbur?" Fundy asks expecting the other to have join already. "He's at Tommy's house taking care of him" Philza answers earning a scoff from Tommy. "Taking care of Tommy? What happened to Tommy?" Niki asks. "Let's just play.."

After dying in the first game, he immediately raided Phil and ended the stream. Everyone was just asking him questions. Too much questions. He didn't even want to hear Tubbo's voice. Now Wilbur was hugging Tommy who seemed to cry due to the stress and questions. "You needed to step over that line at some point Tommy"

"I know... But it hurts.."

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