Dancing with an old friend

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(Based off a Instagram post from @/m4y_maygator)

When he first joined, he was greeted by Dream and George. He was being himself in all honesty. Ending up in prison. Or the jail they made there. Tommy had to apologize to get out. He soon leaves the two alone. Well tried to. Dream follows him making remarks. Tommy laughs at them finding a place perfectly for him. With the help from Dream, he digs into the hill. "Dream hypothetically if I were to-" Didn't even let him finish him finish his sentence. "No Tommy" Tommy just laughs starting to make things. Dream watches him joking about how he's gonna mug him. "Dream that's stealing" He laughs causing Tommy to laugh with him. "You say this as if you haven't stolen anything" Tommy raises his hands in defence. "I'm just saying Dream"

Tommy gets discs making a little room to listen to them. He was visited by Dream one day. He was excited to show off his discs to him. "I got Cat Dream!" Dream smiles underneath the mask. "Why don't you play it?" Tommy nods his head taking it out of a chest. He plays it in the jukebox he has. Once the music started playing, Dream grabs his hand starting to dance. "Dream what the hell are you doing?" Tommy was forced to dance along him. "Relax Tommy. It's just dancing"

Their friendship was peaceful. Some would dare to say they were best friends. That was until the revolution divided them. "Tommy this is dumb. This will get you guys no where" Tommy looks at Dream. His coat flowing in the wind. "My brother and I just want to sell drugs Dream. If only you didn't ban them, this wouldn't be happening" Dream scoffs looking at L'Manberg. "I know you only care for the discs. This nation is just a hobby to you" Tommy stares at Dream in silence. Soon Tommy's name was called. "This isn't a hobby" Dream takes a hold of Tommy's hand spinning him around. "Then prove it"

The 1v1. Dream aims his bow at Tommy. Tommy aims his bow at him. "Fire!" Both take in a deep breath. Dream was fast shooting him first. Tommy didn't have time to react. The arrow striking him through his chest. He falls backwards but didn't hit the ground as Tubbo caught him. Through blurry eyes he sees his brother look disappointed in him. Dream stared at him as Sapnap, Eret, Punz, and George cheered at the victory. Tommy had tears falling down his face. "Wilbur..." Wilbur walks away from him with Fundy following behind. Pity on Fundy's face. "Tommy stay with me!" Tommy smiles at Tubbo before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Tommy woke up clutching his chest. He gets out of bed searching his ender chest for the discs. He knows everyone would be distraught. He could hear Tubbo screaming his name in the distance. Fucking hell. One life gone. He makes his way to Dream. "I know you want my discs... So I'll trade them for the independence of L'Manberg. Dream smirks under his mask taking the discs away. "Deal. Your nation will still be apart of the smp. You'll still be independent" Tommy nods his head at this. He was brought into another dance by Dream. "You have proved me wrong Tommy. I'm impressed" Dream spins Tommy around before making him dip.

"I want him exiled in two days. If he isn't exiled, these walls will reach the sky limit having you all trapped. No one goes in or out. If anyone ever tried to leave, you'll be murdered" Tommy stood still quietly as he stares at Dream. Fuck. He looks at Tubbo who shook his head disappointed. Dream soon disappears but he wasn't gone. Just invisible. "Tommy this is why you're being exiled! You're selfish! All you care about is the discs!" Tommy shrinks down at this. "Tubbo.." Ranboo steps in staring down Tubbo with a blank look. "He is not selfish. I helped him burn down George's house. He could've blamed me but he didn't. He protected me"

"THE DISCS DON'T MATTER TOMMY" Dream chuckles watching Tommy shrink down. Fundy and Quackity was silent. "Dream please escort Tommy out of my country" That was when Fundy and Quackity started protesting. Dream grabs a hold of Tommy pushing him off the wall. "With pleasure Tubbo" Tommy was forced off his knees as he looks up at Tubbo. After all the times he has pushed the discs aside, this one time he wants them back he's deemed selfish. And he gets exiled. So fucking stupid. Dream escorts him out of the country with Ghostbur following them.

Tommy plays chirp sitting by the shore. Cheeks stained by tears. Eyes dull with no life in them. A blank sad stare. He wishes he was in the nether. So he can- Dream appears out of nowhere. He smiles at the sight of the broken Tommy. Tommy looks at him immediately taking off his armor. He makes a pit himself putting the armor and weapons in it. Dream blows it up patting Tommy's shoulder. "How have you been?" Tommy looks up at him. A smile on his face. "Horrible but now that you're here I'm happy!" Dream laughs quietly moving his hand from Tommy's shoulder. "Anyone come to visit?" Tommy frowns at this shaking his head. "They don't care Dream.. They're not my friends.. But you are! You care!"

Dream puts his hand out which Tommy takes. The two dance with Chirp still playing in the background. Tommy was now crying as Dream pulls him close. Dream puts a hand on his head in a comforting way. A smile still tugged on his lips. "You do all this stuff for them and they don't even visit you... But don't worry... I'm here and I'm all you need" Tommy rests his head on Dream's shoulder.

"You're all I need"

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