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(Memory Loss!Tommy inspired by @/ sappitus._nappitus on Tik Tok)

(Part two to Ashes to Ashes)

A month went by...

Pogtopia got new members who were Tubbo, Quackity, and Niki. Quackity joined due to the fact he was not being treated as an equal. Niki and Tubbo joined that same day Tommy was burnt. Wilbur was being watched by Techno. Dream was in a hidden room along with a certain blonde. That blonde was Tommy. Dream told them that he wasn't too injured by the fire for the boy to die. The only thing is that Tommy is in a coma. His skin is very burnt covered in gauze and medical tape. He lays in a bed with Dream sitting next to him to supervise him.

That day on a Monday, Dream left the room to go get stuff for Tommy. Tubbo usually was the one to enter the room to watch over him while he was gone. He sits in the chair next to Tommy's bed. He holds onto his friend's hand with a sigh. "Wilbur isn't getting better. He claims he hasn't lost it but last night he harmed Niki. He claimed it was an accident but that smile on his face says otherwise. Techno still watches over Wilbur waiting for when Wilbur will snap again. I on the the other hand have been collecting items. Flowers especially. I made you a flower crown Tommy! It sits on your head right now as we speak!" Tubbo places the flower crown on Tommy's head. Contained Poppys and Roses that were red.

"Please wake up Tommy. I miss you" He looks at Tommy's face before watching the other smile. "Tommy?" He stares at the smile. "He can hear me?" He looks around the room for Dreams book about Tommy. "H-He can hear me!" He says excited moving his hand away so he can grab the book. That was when Tommy grabs his hand. Preventing him from moving. Tubbo looks at Tommy before the door to the room opened. "Tubbo you can-" Dream cuts himself off looking at Tubbo who was being held by a smiling Tommy. "Dream he smiled when I said I missed him and when I let go of his hand to move away he grabbed me! It's like he has his senses!"

Dream grabs his book immediately writing it down every piece of information. "Anything else happen?" Tubbo shook his head sitting back as now his hand was being held hostage. "Do you think he's close to waking up?" Dream sighs shrugging as an answer. "Who knows" Tubbo sighs recalling that night of the festival.

"YOU KILLED HIM" Wilbur rolls his eyes at Tubbo. "I didn't kill him. He was just burning" Tubbo tackles Wilbur to the ground. Tears falling onto Wilbur's face. "BURNING TO DEATH" He yells before hitting Wilbur's chest with his fits. "You took him away! All because he warned us about your stupid bomb!" Wilbur pushes Tubbo off of him raising a fist. "He ruined the plan Tubbo! He was supposed to die!" He was about to punch Tubbo in the face when Techno stops him. "That's enough Wilbur. Phil has sent you a letter" Techno gives Wilbur the letter before running off. Tubbo sits up hugging his knees. "Tommy offered me and him should run away. I jumped on the idea only for him to say no and that we should stay for Wilbur's sake... We should've ran away"

Dream snaps him out of it gesturing to Tommy. Tommy's face was scrunching up before his eyes shit open. He looks at Tubbo and Dream before pulling his hand away forcefully from Tubbo's hand. "Tommy you're awake!" Dream jots this down. "I'll go get the others" Tommy watches Dream leave very confused on what's going on. He looks back at Tubbo. "Who are you and why do you know my name?" Tubbo stares at Tommy before laughing nervously. "Y-You're joking right?" Tommy shook his head at him. "I'm not joking at all. Who are you?" Tubbo's smile fell as he looks Tommy in the eyes. "I'm Tubbo... Your best friend" Tommy laughs at this shaking his head. "Why would I ever be friends with a idiot like you?"

"I-Idiot?" The door opens to the room. Tubbo looks at their direction with teary eyes. "Tubbo what happened?" Niki asks approaching him. "Tommy doesn't remember me..." Dream hums writing that down in the book. Techno walks in looking at his brother. Not related by blood. "What do you remember and who?" Dream asks taking note on the confusion on his face. "I... Remember fire and screaming... W-W-" Tommy shuts his eyes holding his head. "Don't push it too hard though" He shook his head putting his hand up for them to wait. He then gives up with a sigh. "Who do you remember in this room right now?" Dreams asks with Tubbo leaving the room. Tommy watches with a scoff. "What a pussy..."

"Tommy-" Tommy looks at who called his name. "Techno shut up. I don't even know him" He looks at Niki. "That's a girl" Niki laughs before tilting her head. "Yeah I'm a girl but who am I?" Tommy shook his head signaling he doesn't know. He then looks at Dream. "You're Dream and of course the pig id Tech-" The door busts open with Wilbur looking at Tommy. "YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO LIVE BUT THIS IS GREAT! TOMMY Y-" Tommy looks at him raising his voice at him. "HEY DICK HEAD I WAS SPEAKING" Wilbur opens his mouth to say something but doesn't. "Get that guy out who ever he is. He's fucking annoying as hell. Anyways the pig is Technoblade obviously" Dream closes the book looking at Techno. "We've got work to do"

A week passes, Tommy is recalling memories slowly. His main discs are missing which makes him upset. Tubbo has them but hasn't interacted with Tommy after that day. Tommy was strolling Pogtopia with Techno who was telling him information. He still had the flower crown on his head. He refused to take it off because he knows it means a lot to him and the person who gave it to him. He spots Tubbo who was making flower crowns and showing Niki how to make them. He seems so happy when Tommy isn't around. It kinda hurts but Tommy doesn't know why. Techno nudges him before pushing him towards Tubbo. Tommy freaks out immediately while playing with the green bandana he found near his bed.

"Techno the fuck?" He whispers as Techno sighs pushing him again. "Just tell him you're sorry" Techno calls Niki over before leaving with her. Great. Stick with someone he doesn't know. Deep down he does but he can't figure it out. He closes his eyes approaching Tubbo. Tubbo avoids looking at Tommy.

"Hey... I'm sorry... Can I get to know you like the others?"

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