Chapter 2: Lady the Lost Engine

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Thomas: If Diesel has unfinished business, there's sure to be trouble right around the corner.

[At Tidmouth Sheds, James is having problems with a fly that is buzzing around his nose.]

James: Boo, fly! Shoo, fly! That's it! Better still, buzz off!

[Thomas backs along the siding next to the sheds, looking at James rather than behind him. As a result he bumps into the buffers.]

Thomas: Botheration!

James: You weren't concentrating, Thomas. Lucky for you that the buffers were there.

Thomas: That's what buffers are for, to stop engines from crashing. What are you doing in the sheds, James?

James: I'm feeling a little blue, which isn't so hot when you're red. I was naughty and Sir Topham Hatt told me to think about all the ways I can be useful. Then I can come out again.

Thomas: He's just trying to make this a better railway for steam engines. Sir Topham Hatt says the harder we work the less he'll need diesels to help.

[As Thomas is talking, James becomes worried. What he can see, but Thomas can't, is the arrival of Diesel 10.]

Diesel 10: Help you? You'll always need help! Because steam engines are cowardly, cranky, worn-out hunks of metal who couldn't hurt a fly.

James: No, we're not!

Diesel 10: Yes, you are!

James: Aren't!

Diesel 10: Are! Now, I've come back to find a lost steam engine. I'm gonna destroy her and dominate you! And then you'll be nothing but useless scrap! Right, Pinchy?

[Diesel 10 snakes away.]

James: Big bully! Stinker!

Thomas: We're really useful engines! You won't dominate us and you won't destroy her! We won't let you. Neither will Mr. Conductor. I'm off to fetch him now.

James: What lost engine?

[At Shining Time, a boy called Patch finishes painting a sign, and is talking to a dog called Mutt.]

Patch: There, Mutt, paint job's finished. I reckon Shining Time has the best welcome sign of any town in our valley.

[Mutt barks.]

Patch: Well I'm glad you agree. Billy's old map sure helped a lot.

[Mutt barks again.]

Patch: He's on his way back now, is he? You hear that train whistle sooner than it hears itself.

[Billy Twofeathers arrives, driving an engine called Rainbow Sun. He gets out to talk to Patch]

Billy Twofeathers: Fine work, Patch.

Patch: Thanks. I've been looking at your map. What are these mysterious shadowy lines? They look like straight railroad tracks... but I can't see any tracks around here, except the ones you travel on.

Billy Twofeathers: It's mysteries that make this land so...

Patch: Magical? Well, I better be off to Muffle Mountain. I promised Mr. Stone I'd clean out his yard today.

Billy Twofeathers: Does Burnett Stone ever give you a smile?

Patch: No, but he doesn't frighten my horse, either. Which means, I don't think he's a bad man. I think he's just sad.

[Burnett Stone walks into his workshop, located in Muffle Mountain.]

Mr. Conductor: [narrating] I didn't know that in Muffle Mountain there was a secret that Burnett had shared only with his childhood friend, Tasha.

Young Burnett: One day, Tasha, I'm going to drive this engine and I'll take you with me.

Young Tasha: Promise you will, Burnett. Promise!

Young Burnett: I promise.

[A faceless engine called Lady is shown inside the workshop.]

Mr. Conductor: [narrating] This engine was vital to the magic that held these worlds together...but only Burnett knew that.

[At Shining Time Station, Stacy Jones hears the telephone rings and picks it up.]

Stacy Jones: Hello. Shining Time Station. Manager Stacy Jones speaking. Oh, yes, the 10:15 from Pelican Falls to Shining Time is right on schedule. You're welcome. The 10:00 to Lucy's Leap is leaving now.

[Billy Twofeathers walks over to Stacy Jones.}

Stacy Jones: Oh, Billy, I found this child's drawing in an old locker in the lost and found. Look at the signature, Billy. Burnett Stone! It's hard to believe Burnett could have ever looked that happy.

Billy Twofeathers: Oh, Burnett had a wonderful smile. And he loved railroading, too.

[Burnett Stone is in his workshop shining a torch on Lady, when he hears footsteps behind him. He turns around and sees Patch.]

Burnett Stone: How did you find me here?

Patch: I found the entrance to your workshop ages ago. But I would never tell anybody.

Burnett Stone: See that switch on the wall? Flip it on.

[Patch turns the lights on and is in awe when he sees Lady.]

Patch: I guess there was something mysterious about this mountain.

Burnett Stone: Yeah. All mountains have their secrets, Patch. Shouldn't surprise a kid like you.

Patch: Could I help you, Mr. Stone?

Burnett Stone: Sure. You can help me dust her off. This engine's name is Lady.

Patch: Why is she locked up?

Burnett Stone: She isn't. She's safe from harm. Long ago, I made a mistake as Lady's caretaker. An evil diesel found Lady and threatened to destroy her. He chased her and used up all her coal. He made her go too fast, and then he crashed her. I brought her here. I tried my best to fix her up... but I've never been able to make up for the mistake I made. And I've never been able to bring her to life. To make her steam. Patch, she's as precious as gold.

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