Chapter 8: Diesel 10 catches Mr. Conductor

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[Mr. Conductor is walking towards a viaduct called the Big Dipper, when Diesel 10 creeps up behind him.]

Diesel 10: Hello, Twinkle Toes! Remember me? Fat Hatt won't have much use for you looking like that.

[Mr. Conductor trys to run away up a slope, but he trips.]

Diesel 10: Oh, I see you forgot to bring the sugar. How careless of you. Say hello to Pinchy!

[Diesel 10 picks up Mr. Conductor with Pinchy. Then he rolls onto the Big Dipper and dangles him over the gorge.]

Diesel 10: Okay, Twinkle Toes, I know about the buffers.

[Mr. Conductor notices some bricks fall from underneath the Big Dipper.]

Mr. Conductor: That's what I saw in my dream! It's coming true! My universe is starting to crumble!

Diesel 10: And I know about the magic railway. And when I find that engine, you and all those puffballs will be history! Now tell me where the buffers are! Now!

[Mr. Conductor pulls out a pair of scissors from his tool kit.]

Diesel 10: You got ten seconds.

[ Diesel 10 jolts, causing Mr. Conductor to drop his scissors. While he struggles to get them back, Diesel 10 counts down.]

Diesel 10: Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two...

[Mr. Conductor manages to get his scissors back just in time and cuts one of Pinchy's pipes.]

Mr. Conductor: Too late, Diesel!

[Diesel 10 throws Mr. Conductor into the air and he travels a far distance until he lands on some sacks in front of the windmill he was looking for. Mr. Conductor turns to face the audience.]

Mr. Conductor: Did you put all this here for me? Well you must've known that I was coming. How kind of you. Oh! I'm at the windmill. Now that's what I call a perfect landing.

[Mr. Conductor notices some white markings moving on the windmill]

Mr. Conductor: This must be the clue to unlock the source of the gold dust.

[The markings change to show some writing.]

Mr. Conductor: "Stoke up the magic in the mountain and the lady will smile. Then watch the swirls that spin so well."

[The writing disappears]

Mr. Conductor: Well where has the writing gone?

[Meanwhile Splatter and Dodge are in a yard talking to Diesel 10 about his earlier incident.]

Splatter: So, Boss...

Dodge How come you let Twinkle Toes escape?

Splatter: Yeah.

Dodge: Yeah.

Diesel 10: Oh, that! Well, I did it on purpose. I was testing him to see if he could escape.

Splatter: Liar, Liar.

Dodge: Pants on fire.

Splatter: Does he wear pants?

Dodge: Well, training pants.

Diesel 10: Alright! Playtime's over, Splodge.

Splatter & Dodge: Uh, Oh.

Diesel 10: Now it's time for the next lesson. I call it "How to Stop Being Stupid".

[Diesel 10 hits Pinchy against the coal hopper he is under, and all the coal comes pouring down onto him. Henry, Gordon, Eagle and James watch nearby in amusement.]

Diesel 10: That's gonna ruin my facial.

Splatter & Dodge: Oh.

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