Chapter 5: Diesel 10 attacks!

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[That night, Mr Conductor stays with the steam engines at Tidmouth Sheds. He reads a book while the engines are asleep. He yawans, then gets up to wind up his alarm clock. Then he picks up a baseball bat.]

Mr. Conductor: So, who dropped the ball then?

[A beach ball bounces over to Mr. Conductor and he picks it up with his other hand.]

Mr. Conductor: Oh, there you are. I'd like to have nice cup of hot cocoa. Would you fellas care to join me? No? What would you rather do instead? Go outside and play? Well, I can understand that. What do you think?

[Mr. Conductor hits the ball out of his hand with the bat.]

Mr. Conductor: Why do you keep hitting him like that? You gonna have to have a time out.

[Mr. Conductor prepares a cup of cocoa, while Diesel 10 approaches the shed.]

Mr. Conductor: Just a little sweeter, I think.

Diesel 10: Alright, Pinchy, my little bucket of badness, time to feast yourself.

Mr. Conductor: Ah! Now that's better.

[Diesel 10 knocks over the scaffolding next to the sheds, waking all the engines up.]

Thomas: Cinders and ashes! It's Diesel!

Gordon: Diesel? Oh, no!

Edward: What's he doing here?!

Diesel 10: Hello, Twinkle Toes! I've got a plan, and you're not in it!

Mr. Conductor: You can't catch me, Diesel!

[Mr. Conductor blows his whistle, but his sparkle doesn't work.]

Diesel 10: Losing your sparkle, huh? What perfect timing. Now where is that lost engine?

Mr. Conductor: You won't find her here.

Diesel 10: You're not clever enough to stop me.

Mr. Conductor: Yes, I am!

Diesel 10: No, you're not.

[Mr. Conductor picks up a bag of sugar.]

Diesel 10: Aah! Is that...

Mr. Conductor: That's right. It's sugar Diesel. And if I throw this in your tank, it'll seize you up for good.

Diesel 10: Make the most of tonight, Twinkle Toes. Because you won't like tomorrow! Neither will that line of tin kettles! Shut up, Pinchy.

Thomas: Mr. Conductor, but what happened to your sparkle?

Mr. Conductor: I don't know, Thomas. I'll just have to sleep on that.

Thomas: On your sparkle?

Mr. Conductor: No, Thomas. On the problem of what happened to it.

Percy: But, Mr. Conductor, without your sparkle, or the lost engine, you can't travel here to help us anymore.

Mr. Conductor: I'll solve the problem. You just go to sleep now.

Percy: Easy for you to say.

[Mr Conductor turns off the lights and everyone goes to sleep. A little while later, Mr. Conductor wakes up and starts talking to himself. This wakes up Percy who listens to every single word, but Mr. Conductor doesn't realize this.]

Mr. Conductor: Sparkle, gold dust, magic, railroad, buffers, lost engine. The family told me, as long as there is a railroad, there will be harmony. As long as there is gold dust, there will be energy. You will never have to worry.

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