Chapter 11: Thomas at Muffle Mountain

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[Lily gets into Thomas' cab and they set off towards the magic buffers.]

Thomas: I promise I'll get you home to your Grandpa, Lily.

[Just then the talking tumbleweed jumps out in front of Thomas.]

Tumbleweed: Follow me, partner.

Thomas: Oh!

Tumbleweed: Right this way to Bufferville. Just a walk in the park.

Thomas: We're going through, Lily.

Tumbleweed: You're on your own from here on in, little buckaroo!

[The tumbleweed jumps into the bushes.]

Thomas: Little engines can do big things.

[Thomas and Lily go through the buffers and enter the magic railroad.]

Thomas: It is dark and cold and bumpy, but I'm not afraid. Oh, there's the missing coal truck.

Lily: Coal truck? "Stoke up the magic in the mountain." That's part of Mr. Conductor's clue to his gold dust.

Thomas: And Lily, that's what you do with coal. Stoke it up to make steam. We're going to be really reliable and help Mr. Conductor. We're going back for that coal truck.

[Thomas slows to a stop, then he puffs back.]

Thomas: Buffers. Coal truck. We're starting to solve the mysteries, Lily.

[Thomas couples up to the coal truck and sets off again.]

Lily: You're a really useful engine, Thomas.

[Thomas and Lily reach the other end of the magic railroad and emerge on the top of Muffle Mountain.]

Thomas: Lily, where are we?

Lily: Muffle Mountain, Thomas.

Thomas: I think I feel a little dizzy. I can't go any further. My wheels won't let me.

Lily: Then I'll be back Thomas. I promise. But I must find Grandpa.

Thomas: It's getting windy up here.

[As soon as Lily is out of sight the wind picks up and Thomas falls off Muffle Mountain.]

Thomas: Bust my boiler!

[Thomas slides down Muffle Mountain.]

Thomas: I've left the coal truck behind!

[Lily finds Patch riding his horse.]

Lily: Where's Grandpa? Can you take me to him?

Patch: Jump up.

Lily: Patch, I knew I could count on you.

[As Lily and Patch head to Burnett Stone's workshop Thomas reaches the bottom of Muffle Mountain, but he still continues to roll along.]

Thomas: Stop, wheels. Stop!

[Suddenly, Thomas hits the ground above the magic railroad and with a sparkle, gravity pushes him through the meadow. Meanwhile, Burnett Stone is in his workshop looking at blueprints of Lady, when Lily runs up to him.]

Lily: Grandpa!

Burnett Stone: Oh, Lily, I'm so glad to see you.

Lily: There's this island of talking trains, and they said you might have been there. But Mr. Conductor's very sick, Junior's in danger, and I had to leave poor Thomas behind. Please help me.

Burnett Stone: I'd like to, Lily. Nothing seems to work.

[Lily notices Lady.]

Lily: This is the lost engine from long ago. Now we can go back to the island and bring Mr. Conductor and Junior home.

Burnett Stone: I can't make her steam. I've tried all the different coals in the valley.

Lily: Lady. Is that her name?

Burnett Stone: Yes.

Lily: Coal. Special coal from the Island of Sodor. That's what Lady needs. Patch. There's a coal truck up at the top of the mountain. Do you think you could get some?

Patch: Of course I will.

Thomas and the Magic Railroad (Rewrite)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang