Chapter 13: The magic is restored!

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[In Muffle Mountain Lily and Burnett Stone are talking while they're waiting for Patch to arrive with the coal.]

Lily: Did Grandma love Lady as much as you do? Did she take a ride on her?

Burnett Stone: Grandma loved her because I loved her. But she never took a ride on Lady. I couldn't fix her in time.

[Lily holds her Grandpa's hand to reassure him. As soon as the coal arrives Burnett Stone gets Lady in steam, then he drives Lady out of the workshop with Lily, Patch and Mutt on board. As Lady travels along the magic railroad, Patch notices the shavings behind Lady that are coming from her wheels.]

Patch: Lily, look.

[Lily joins Patch to see what he's looking at.]

Patch: The railroad's getting its energy back.

[Lily collects some of the shavings in a bag. Then the magic railroad glows green.]

Burnett Stone: Well my Lady, the lights are all green for you now. Green for glory.

Lily: Tasha would have loved this journey.

Burnett Stone: Yes she would. And she'd love it that you're with me now.

[Burnett Stone kisses his granddaughter's forehead. All the overgrown trees start to disappear, and as soon as they do Lady gains a face.]

Lady: So Burnett, you didn't forget about magic. It's safe inside you.

[Lily plays with her bluebird bird at the back of Lady's cab, when she hears a familiar whistle.]

Lily: Thomas!

Thomas: You've found her! And she's beautiful!

[Lily blows Lady's whistle and Thomas whistles back. Then Lady exits the magic railroad and arrives on the Island of Sodor.]

Lily: We're on the Island of Sodor. Stop, Grandpa. Stop, Lady.

[Lady stops next to the well where Mr. Conductor and Junior are.]

Lily: Hello, Junior. Hello, Mr. C. Mr. Conductor, this is my Grandpa.

Mr. Conductor: I'm glad you were able to find your way back. Junior, do you realize who this is?

Junior: I reckon this is one beautiful engine.

[Junior then realizes what Mr. Conductor is trying to say.]

Junior: This is the lost engine! Are we glad to see you! Now we can go back to Shining Time.

Mr. Conductor: Junior, we won't make it back to Shining Time without the gold dust. Without it, the magic can't exist.

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