Chapter 9: Thomas meets Lily and Junior

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[At Muffle Mountain, Lily is sitting in front of a tree, tearing up pieces of grass and throwing them away. Then Patch shows up.]

Patch: Bet you can't climb that tree.

[Lily gets up and proves him wrong.]

Lily: See?

Patch: Where'd you learn to do that?

Lily: From the fire escape.

Patch: Hi. I'm Patch.

Lily: I'm Lily. Do you live around here?

Patch: Yes. My mom and dad run the stables.

[Burnett Stone walks up.]

Burnett Stone: Morning, Patch.

Patch: Good morning, Mr. Stone. I'm riding into Shining Town. Could Lily come with me? If she'd like to.

Lily: I'd like to.

Burnett Stone: Sure, she can go. Be back by sunset, Lily.

Lily: Do you wanna come, too?

Burnett Stone: I never go there now.

[Burnett Stone walks away.]

Lily: Bye, Grandpa.

Patch: So, have you ever ridden a horse before?

Lily: No.

[Lily and Patch get on Patch's horse and they ride towards Shining Time.]

Patch: I've always wanted to go this way. We're following some shadowy lines I've seen on a map. They're like railroad tracks without any rails.

[Burnett Stone is in his workshop shining a torch on Lady.]

Burnett Stone: Well Lady, what are we to do? It all seemed so much easier when Tasha and I were children.

[Lily is in the waiting room at Shining Time Station with Mutt, when Junior sparkles in.]

Lily: Junior?

Junior: Presto! I'd given up on seeing you again. What's blue, green and red and goes "peep, peep"?

Lily: A parrot and you mean chirp, chirp.

Junior: Nah, trains. Talking trains. And I'm off to see them right now in the Island of Sodor, and cousin. But I overslept and I'm in a bit of a hurry. Do you want to come?

Lily: Can we be back here by sunset?

Junior: I hope so. I wanna get back to the beach.

Lily: What do you think, Mutt?

[Mutt barks.]

Lily: Okay.

Junior: Good. It's this way. We'll take the shortcut.

[Junior hits the signal on the mural.]

Lily: Really?

Junior: There's two of us. Oh, well. That means I'll have to use Cous' extra supply of gold dust. It doesn't matter. We'll have plenty more soon.

[Lily scoops up some gold dust left on the bench.]

Lily: Can I take this little bit back for Grandpa?

Junior: Be my guest. I'll take care of it for you. Ready? Here goes.

[Lily and Junior sparkle away and they're soon travelling along the Magic Railroad.]

Lily: You've grown bigger.

Junior: Maybe you're smaller. I'm adjusting to my new surroundings. This is the only place this ever happens to me. Whoa! A bit bouncy, isn't it?

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