Chapter 14: The final chase!

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[Using hand gestures, Junior asks Mr. Conductor if that meant they would both die. Mr. Conductor sadly nods. Thomas emerges from the magic railroad just as Diesel 10, Splatter and Dodge arrive.]

Diesel 10: [furious] Ah-ha! There's the blue puffball, and look who he's with! Splodge, Come and destroy!

Splatter: [furious [fed up with Diesel 10's orders]] No, you do it yourself!

Dodge: [furious] We don't like you!

Splatter: [furious] Yeah, we mean that!

Dodge: Emphatically!

Splatter: Yeah. What does that mean?

Dodge: I have no idea.

Splatter: It's a good word.

Thomas: [alarmed] Run, Lady! Quickly! And I'm going to help you!

[Burnett Stone jumps into Lady's cab.]

Burnett Stone: So am I my Lady. I'll not let you down again.

Diesel 10: Ah, who needs you, Splodge?

Mr. Conductor: Watch out for the viaduct, it's dangerous!

[Lady charges off and Thomas follows. Diesel 10 races after them while laughing. Then Mr. Conductor screams in horror.]

Junior: What's the matter?

Mr. Conductor: [horrified] Lady. That engine's name is Lady! She's part of the clue to the source of the...

Mr. Conductor & Junior: Gold dust!

[Both scream in horror. Diesel 10 is speeding down the track after Thomas and Lady.]

Diesel 10: Now I'll get you, Burnett Stone!

Burnett Stone: No, you won't, because the magic you refuse to believe in will get the better of you.

Diesel 10: You can run, but you can't hide! Right, Pinchy? [laughs evilly] Pinchy's hungry!

Thomas: [scared] Oh! Get back!

Burnett Stone: Come on, Lady.

Diesel 10: Coming, Puffball! [laughs evilly] Look out!

[The three engines approach a tunnel.]

Diesel 10: Here I come! Duck, Pinchy! [laughs evilly]

[Diesel 10 drops Pinchy as they go through the tunnel.]

Diesel 10: I like my lunch steamed! [laughs evilly and growls.]

[Soon Diesel 10 begins to feel tired.]

Diesel 10: [pants] Pretty fast, for a puffball. [huffs]

[Thomas and Lady approach the Big Dipper which is about to collapse.]

Burnett Stone: Well Lady, this is your Shining Tim, too.

Lady: I hope so!

Thomas: Come on Lady! Little engines can do big things!

[The Big Dipper starts breaking apart, Thomas and Lady get across while creating a big hole on the viaduct.]

Burnett Stone: [triumphantly] Well done Thomas! Well done!

[Burnett Stone blows Lady's whistle in triumph, and Thomas blows his whistle in delight. When Diesel 10 sees the gap he applies his brakes, but it is too late.]

Diesel 10: Ah, oh! Ooh, what's going on?! Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, hold it!

[Diesel 10 screams in horror when he plunges off the viaduct, Pinchy grabs hold of a track tie before falling.]

Diesel 10: Puffball! Teapot!

[The track tie breaks]

Diesel 10: Tin kettle!

[Diesel 10 plunges into a passing barge full of sludge pulled by a boat.]

Diesel 10: Unh! Oh well. Nice time of the year for a cruise. [he laughs nervously]

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