Trying to Fix what's Shattered

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Once again, days passed with no new evidence or knowledge about the whereabouts about the supposedly dead boy. For someone who faked their own death, they really were a ghost.

No one had even heard of the name as it was quite the uncommon one. They had traveled to several towns and had even teleported to separate countries, but they were always met with the same answer.

"I've never seen nor heard of that kid before in my life."

Finally on the day before the last of the child's eternal slumber, they had to make the difficult choice of whether they would spend this time with Meliodas or keep searching. It was a very divided answer.

"We can't just turn back now! We're so close!"

"Really? What evidence or lead do we have that means we're 'close'? Let's face it Ban! The only thing we've accomplished is wasting our last days with Meliodas when we could have been helping to keep him awake!"

"I hate to say it... but King's right, Ban. I mean, we really did try, but it's time to give up. Let's at least spend Meliodas's last day with him. He deserves that much..."

"You too Diane!? Come on you guys! Do you really think you'll be able to face that empty shell of a kid again knowing that you gave up before we fulfilled our promise to him?"

"Where else could we possibly look? We've hopped from town to town, country to country, with NO leads! Where else could we even go from here?"

"You're right, we've searched ALMOST everywhere! Which means we have to be getting close now, right? He has to be somewhere in this realm!" 

"Ban's right. Surely, we're getting close by now! A-And besides... I wouldn't be able to bare knowing I could have been only a few miles away from the last of his family and just gave up. He's been through so much... surely, we can at least finish what we started for him. R-Right?"

They all argued more as each of them had a different aspect they were looking at. Some wanted to spend the boy's last hours with him or try to find a cure, while others wanted to keep looking so that they could face the child again even though others wanting to continue as well were doing it to bring him back in the first place, not believing that the empty shell back home was truly the boy they had grown to love.

All of them fought long and hard for different things, and yet for one singular cause. The happiness of their newest member. All of them wanted what was best for him, they just all believed it was different things.

Until finally, after nearly an hour of this heavy conversing, they all came to a consensus after combining a lot of their points into one. 

The group would search one more town, and if no results were found... then they would ask Merlin to teleport them back home and try to find a cure while saying their final goodbyes to the boy.

All quieting down as they realized the weight of the compromise, they began to walk into the nearest town with nervous and anxious steps as they hoped to find anything to give them hope of the boy's savior.

"Zeldris Damon? I've never heard of him."

"Zeldris Damon? I know an old man named Geldris Ramon, but not anybody by that name nor description. Sorry."

"Zeldris? What an odd name. Sorry, I don't know anyone like that."

"Maybe.. I suppose that name sounds familiar- Oh wait, Meldris is the name of my trainer, sorry. Don't know a Zeldris though."

"Nope! Never seen that kid before in my life."

"Never heard of him."

"Never seen him."

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