Wondering If You Will Regret

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King was heartbroken over the situation at hand, especially with how Ban was taking it. Elizabeth had said that he had wanted some time to think, which they all respected. However it still hurt knowing that his decision was what was causing it.

He truly cared about the kid, he had come to see him as one of their own, a fellow Sin, and yet they had to make the hard choice to abandon the only thing that could save his sanity.

That was a difficult choice for anyone, especially when someone was as against it as Ban. However, even though his reaction was worse than the others... they all understood his pain.

Each of them had lost something dear to them, something that made them who they were- and maybe even who they are now. Losing that, chips away at someone. Especially... when they had nothing else to hold onto like Meliodas was experiencing, and like what Ban had experienced in the past.

It was a devastating situation all around. And if King had the means to... he would change his decision in a heartbeat in order to save the child.

Putting his thoughts on pause as he entered the familiar tavern where they had taken in the boy, he walked up to where the others had already gone.

The broken boy's room.

Looking inside through the crack of the slightly ajar door, he felt sadness well up in the deepest parts of his heart as he was accompanied by the sight of unseeing emerald eyes, and a blank look on what used to be such a bright- if not timid- face.

He heard whispers as they each said their own goodbyes, but the fairy didn't enter. After all, he had decided to leave the one thing that could have saved the boy... that was something he would have to live with for the rest of his life, and something that made him unworthy in his eyes to say goodbye to the little boy he had grown so fond of.

And so he gingerly shut the door with tears in his eyes, and a silent plea for forgiveness that he know would never be heard, even if he voiced it...

Ban immediately shoved the hand off of his shoulder as his head whipped around to face the hooded figure. On a good day he already wasn't a particular fan of physical touch, and this definitely wasn't a good day.

The long black cloak covered the stranger from head to toe, leaving not a single feature recognizable. However this wasn't the concerning thing to Ban. What was concerning was the strong grip they had when they held on to his shoulder that had nearly dislocated it.

Even though he knew it wouldn't do long-term damage, it bothered him knowing that this random person would do something that drastic unless they were mad at him personally.

If only he could remove that hood to see who it was...

As soon as the though passed in his mind, he was caught off guard by yet another strong grip on his hand as he was yanked away from his previous spot and taken at a fast pace to somewhere unknown to him.

He tried to pull away several times, but was only met with the hand tightening on his own until he began to hear his bones breaking before healing again and again. Something the "kidnapper" seemed to notice as he stopped momentarily at seeing how fast they would heal.

This didn't last long as the walking turned into running when the pace finally did pick up again.

Winded, and incredibly disoriented, it took him more than a minute to realize they had stopped in from of an old- yet charming- log cabin in the middle of the Lost Woods. A place not even the strongest nor dumbest were willing to go.

Starting in awe and confusion once more, he missed the window to pull his hand away as the stranger pulled him once more towards the door and into the homey interior full of spellbooks and potions that made his head spin from the smell they released throughout the home.

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