What Could Have Been

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After the little incident two days ago, the child had been terrified that he was going to be going about his daily life and end up getting in trouble because of how upset King had been. He knew they were different then his other masters, but that didn't mean the irrational fear wasn't still there.

He had been here over two weeks, and yet still he wasn't sure how to make of everything. Most people would find that understandable, but not Meliodas. He was used to turning off his emotions as soon as he began to grasp what kind of person his master was, but... he couldn't do that if he didn't understand his master.

The blond was feeling a mix of feelings he hadn't allowed himself to feel since before he was a slave, it was terrifying and frustrating. Regardless of how messed up it was, he had gotten used to his routine, and now that it had been messed with, he was baffled on how he was supposed to act.

He found himself crying in the middle of the night for no reason, and randomly tensing around his new superiors. Normally this would have ended by the second day since that was typically how long it took for his emotions to die out and be replaced by the numbness he had created as a defense mechanism, but not this time at all. In fact, the emotions only seemed to have new ones added as soon as he thought the old would finally die down. Like frustration to accompany his anxiousness over feeling the latter to begin with. Or stress to replace simple caution as he found he couldn't stop feeling that caution when everything shot little spikes of fear through him.

He was starting to worry that something was wrong with him, but he didn't tell the others. After all, he knew if he did, he would be eliminated. Although... that could already be what they were planning.

They still hadn't given him a single job, and although he didn't think the man he knew named as Sir Ban, was lying, he still felt like maybe there was something he was expected to do that he hadn't caught onto yet.

The group would occasionally give him a look filled with something he couldn't name, and he had caught them talking amongst themselves about him more than once. It wasn't uncommon that if a master didn't like the slave, the slave would either be ordered to do something suicidal, or be replaced by a different slave and taken back to the training center for "reprogramming".

He always twitched and shuttered at the thought. Honestly, he'd rather be killed. All of the unknowns were truly making him much more paranoid than usual. Perhaps that was the cause for all of these pesky, obnoxious, emotions? As well as the sleeping issues? Never good to have with new masters. Sleep deprivation- while not uncommon for him- always made it harder to pay attention to his owners when they spoke to him. Although, as such, perhaps he shouldn't be getting so lost in thought right now as he waited for their further instructions.

Currently, the boy was waiting for the group of masters per their directions. They said they were going out into town and wanted to bring him since his injuries had mostly healed by now. He was still confused as to why his injuries would be a factor in whether he would go or not, after all, he would follow them regardless since they requested it. Maybe it was because they were in a hurry and didn't want to have to wait for him to catch up due to his wounds? That must be it.

Startled from his pondering by the sound of footsteps, he looked over and saw his female masters, Lady Diane and Miss Elizabeth, both carrying lots of bags, presumably to carry whatever it was they were grabbing at.. what was it called... ah yes, the market.

He had heard of this place by previous masters and his late parents, but he had never gone since he wasn't permitted to leave the house due to his past contracts, and because it was too risky of him being seen by holy knights before such a time.

A bit excited and nervous, he obediently followed behind the two as the other Sins waited outside.

"This is going to be so much fun! There's so many clothes and great food, and games- oh, and of course potions and animals as well! And all sorts of other things too that I didn't even mention! Oh, you are going to love it! I still can't believe you've never been to a market before, although that will just make this more exciting!"

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