Finding Something You Can't Unsee (Preview)

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Ban stood over the large rock with a mix of emotions that had him clenching his fist. Fury, sadness, injustice, disbelief, and a deep burning anger all being contributing ones.

Here a graveyard full of ended stories and lives. However, there was only one he currently cared about. The ended life of the person they had spent three day looking for.

Zeldris King: Age 9 when passed.

They had gotten a tip from an elderly man four days ago saying he had seen that name up in the village of Waterbury. However, he didn't mention that the name was in a graveyard.

All of the others were trying to think of how to handle this situation and whether or not they should tell Meliodas, while Ban was still trying to process the news in general.

It didn't make sense... what had killed him? Holy knights? Humans? Lack of food or shelter? What is it that justified the death of -not only such a young child- but also the only close family Meliodas had left? Hadn't he been through enough? It wasn't fair. None of this was fair.

Images of his lost sister's small smiling form filled his mind as he let out the flooding fury by punching the grave hard enough to leave a dent.

"Ban! What are you doing?! I understand you're upset but don't disrespect the dead!!"

"NO! I refuse to accept that! He... He can't be dead.. That poor kid has already suffered enough. WHAT SICK GOD OUT THERE WOULD BE WILLING TO DO THIS!?"

He punched the stone again.. and then again... the last being hard enough to make the stone crumble to the ground. But regardless of the broken words laying across the bed of grass.. it didn't change reality.. it didn't change the death of a young boy.. nor had it happened soon enough to shield another's eyes from the name on the worn grey slab.

"Z-Zeldris.. is........ dead?"

Their heads whipped around to see a blond headed boy with a completely shattered and yet numb look on his face.

"Nonononono.. T-That can't be right."

He gripped his hair with his hands as he fell to his knees shaking.

"K-Kiddo I-"

"NO! Y-You don't understand! He isn't DEAD! He can't be dead because I hid him. When the holy knights came, I hid him... they didn't find him, I know they didn't find him. He's okay, he's okay..he's okay right? Please let him be okay, I knows he okay! He's okay he's okay he's okay he's okay he's okay he's okay.."

He repeated the words like a broken record, his mouth on repeat to sooth his shattered mind. But nothing... no words, no actions, no person... could fix him now.

The years of endless torment, were catching up with him faster than he could handle. And he was now finally... and completely... broken.

Preview for you guys since I'm sick and don't know if I can finish tonight. I am so so sorry for the long wait and I'm sorry for not releasing the full chapter, thank you all so much for your support and I'm sorry for the sadness. This is maybe about halfway through the book, so this isn't the end or close to it.

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