What Can I Do For You Master?

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Every one of the sins watched with bated breath and awe as two mesmerizing emerald eyes opened. Although as the boy slowly sat up, the sins began to notice how dull and lifeless they looked, regardless of the heartbeat proving that he was indeed alive.

It was like he wasn't... there. Not mentally at least. It worried the group as they saw the demon take in his surroundings. Was he alright? Did the process damage his mind?

"Um... h-hello."

Elizabeth was the first to speak, nervous and just as worried as the others, but also sure to keep her voice gentle. She didn't want to startle the poor child. Especially if being frozen for so long had done something to harm his mental state.

He didn't reply though. Just looked at the woman holding the item that controlled him, marking her as his owner.

Once again, the sins got worried. Did the boy not speak English? Or was he unable to understand for other reasons?

It was a moment of painfully awkward silence before Merlin remembered why exactly this child was acting this way.

That's right. I feel so foolish for forgetting. They aren't allowed to speak unless given permission by their master.

"Elizabeth, try telling him he can speak."

"O-Oh, okay. Um.. y-you may speak?"

"Hello Master. What can I do for you?"

It seemed almost automatic by how lifelessly the words were said. Though it relieved the group that he was at least capable of speech. Human speech even.

"O-Oh um.. y-you don't have to call me that."

Once again, he did not speak.

"Y-You may speak."

"What would you like me to call you?"

"Elizabeth is fine, or a nickname if that's easier for you."

He seemed confused, his emerald eyes blinking to life slightly as his face went from blank to animated with furrowed brows and a tight lip.

"What is your name? Oh, you may speak."

The confused look only deepened at that, causing an equal reaction in those who watched the interaction without any knowledge of the details of that time period.

"I'm a slave, I do not have a name mas- M-Miss Elizabeth."

"Well, surely you used to have a name, before you were.. a slave? Oh, you can speak."

She said it as gently as possible, not wanting to upset the small demon.

"I-I don't remember my name."

It was a lie, he knew what his name used to be, but it wasn't allowed for a master to call their slave by name. And it felt wrong for a master to know and refer to him as such a thing.

"Oh.. then what would you like me to call you? You can speak."

He blinked as the strange behavior just kept coming every time the woman spoke. Was she trying to get him to slip up so she could punish him? It wasn't the first time someone tried to do so. They would make him comfortable and then punish him for not following proper procedure the second they got irritated over something. It made him a more effective punching bag since they could feel better about it because "the slave wasn't following the rules".

"Whatever you see fit Mast- Miss Elizabeth."

She frowned and looked over at another woman standing nearby. Oh no, had he made her mad? What had he said. Was it the slight mix up before he caught himself and referred to her as she requested? Honestly, the slave was a bit suprised he hadn't been beaten for that.

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