Forgotten Memories and Broken Promises

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"Meli! Meli! Look! It's raining white stuff outside!"

An excited voice rang out through the house as the boy attached to it tried to shake his elder brother from his sleep.

Most would have gotten frustrated or angry with the boy for waking them up at two o'clock in the morning, but once Meliodas had awoken, all he did was smile and give a little chuckle at the other's excitement.

"Okay, okay, I'm up. What did you want to show me Zeldy?"

At hearing that the blond was finally awake, he began to pull him towards the door as his excitement allowed him to go on a mile rant that Meliodas couldn't even begin to understand. Instead of voicing this however, the elder just stayed silent and waited for his little brother to lead him to the door so he could see himself. After all, he didn't want to upset his baby bro by telling him he couldn't understand a word he was saying. And besides, his little rambles were adorable. 

"Look Meli! Look!"

As soon as he saw it however, he understood his sibling's zealous enthusiasm.

"Oooooh so this is what you were so worked up about."

"What is this stuff? It's so fluffy looking!"

Before Meliodas could give a warning, Zeldris walked out onto it barefoot, his eyes widening in both awe and from the painful cold.

"I-It's s-s-so cold! But fluffy a-at t-t-the same t-ti-im-me!"

The elder chuckled at the reaction before scooping up his brother with ease and carrying him back inside to sit by the fire.

Wrapping him up in blankets, and making him a cup of hot chocolate, he waited for the other to calm down some before answering his previous question.

"That white stuff outside is called snow. It's like rain, but only happens when it is really really cold out. It won't hurt you as long as ya wear clothes to keep you warm. Hehe.. Shoes being one of them."

He ruffled the pouting child's hair as he remembered how he had just walked out there with no shoes or other clothes than pajamas.

"Can we go play in it Meli?"

"Tomorrow, right now we need to get some sleep. What were you doing up anyway?"

His emerald eyes dulled slightly as a frown came onto his face.

"Zeldy? Something wrong?"

He didn't answer right away, and it was making Meliodas worried now.

"I um.... I had a bad dream."

The blond's posture softened as he understood what it was more than likely about, but he still asked, hoping he was wrong.

"You and Mommy and Papa all got taken away by the bad men... You all left me all alone."

Blinking in surprise by the no doubt horrible dream, Meliodas felt guilt at knowing his suspicions were right. Seeing tears well up in the other's eyes, he went into action immediately, starting with wiping away the tears softly and snuggling up next to his brother. 

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