Zeldy? (Preview)

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The sound rang out through the room, a sickening sound to Zeldris. He had hated doing it, more than any of the other messed up things he had done in his life. However, he knew this was the only way.

Based on what Ban had told him and what he had deduced himself, any sort of physical contact wasn't given a response and kind words were just ignored. This was no doubt because of was Meliodas had been through. After all, kind words were foreign and physical touch such as hugs, pats, or anything of the sort didn't elicit a positive reaction due to what he had gone through and how touch in his past was connected to pain or injury.

That's why pain was the only way Zeldris could get him to snap out of it. He needed to show Meliodas that be was really there, but also have him respond to it. And pain was something common for the blond.. something he would react to.

Several seconds passed and as each one did, Zeldris began to fear more and more that he had been too late, that Meliodas had already retreated into his numb state once more before the ravenette had been able to act.

Dread filled him as he saw no movement from the teen, he was still sitting up with his head turned in the direction he had been slapped, but no moving followed. Like he was frozen in that position.

Dropping to his knees as the only bit of hope he had left was truly taken, he didn't even move when the door slammed open.

"What the hell happened? I heard a noise an- WHAT THE HELL ZELDRIS!? YOU CAN'T JUST HIT HIM LIKE THAT!"

Instantly the immortal rushed to the bedside to make sure he was okay, all of the others following. However time seemed to slow for the demon boy. Everything was in slow motion and words were mute. The only thing on his mind were six words that continued to repeat in his head over and over again.

I failed him... I failed Meli...

He felt like he was sinking into the darkest depths of the deepest ocean, no air, no light. There had been someone to save him from this before... someone who had saved him from this before, but now his savior, his light, was on the bed unmoving and completely lifeless.

His light was gone....

Or was it?

"Zeldy..... you're really here?"

This doesn't make any sense... he's not here. Zeldy isn't here. He's dead. He's dead and it's my fault, he's dead and I'll never see him again. So why does it look like he's right there? I can see and hear him talking to me, he's talking to me, please talk to me Zeldris, please be here. No.. he isn't here, he's gone. He's dead. So why does he look like he's standing there beside me? I'm hallucinating aren't I? That must be it. I'm hallucinating. Please stop hallucinating brain... I don't want to see him. I don't want to see this fake, I want my Zeldris back, the real Zeldris back...

He's holding onto my hand.. why do I feel that? I shouldn't be able to feel an hallucination, maybe it's a dream. Maybe my brain is trying to trick me. Maybe I'm finally losing it. Maybe I'm dying. I hope I'm dying. Then I'll get to see him again.. please let me see him again..

I heard muffled words but could barely make them out. I didn't want to hear him, I wanted to hear the real Zeldris. Maybe if I die I'll get to hear him again. I miss you so much Zeldris... I want to see you again.. I want to see you again so much..

Pain... why...... do I feel pain? My face... hurts. Why does it hurt? It shouldn't hurt, hallucinations can't hurt. Is... he really here? Nononono.. he can't be here.. he's not here. He's dead, he's dead and it's my fault. My fault, my fault, my fault... My brother.... my brother is really here isn't he? I want to see him... I want to see if he's really here. No....If I look and he isn't here I'll break.. I won't be able to take! But... aren't I already broken? I need my brother... I need him to be here.... He's really here isn't he? I want to see him... I want to see my brother. I need to see my brother. I can't wait to see my brother.... but.... I need to know he's here. Please be here Zeldy...

"Zeldy.....you're really here?"

It felt like he was pulled out at once. Like the air and light returned to him, like a hand had pulled him out of the cold, dark, depths that he had fallen into. Like his hero had returned.. his brother, had returned...

Instantly he sprung into action, jumping up from his knees and rushing to his brother's side.

"Yes, I'm here Meli. I'm right here."

Instead of the denial or spiraling he got in response to his answer last time.. he got two emerald eyes staring back at him... wide, and full of tears.

Preview. I don't know if I can finish, and I don't want to give you nothing for three days so I made this little bit for now. Hope you like it!

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