Searching For Someone You Don't Know

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After coming to an agreement, the sins began their journey towards Merlin's lair with hopes that she'd have more information than the others. 

However, they didn't go before letting the two new additions know both who they were, and where they were going. They may or may not have also gushed over the adorable sight of Meliodas and the younger child they now knew as Tristan, both curled up and sleeping, but that was a fact however that they would take to their graves. Especially when they were now on a mission with far more serious pretenses.

The door to Merlin's study creaked slowly as the dimly lit nature of the place also brought alarm. they walked carefully around the tools, books, potions, and occasional small animal in a cage that King frowned upon seeing.

"Hey Merlin! Are ya in here?"

"Keep it down Ban! She could be in the middle of something."

"I'm right here you two. What is it you need?"

"Oh heya Merlin, we kinda need your help with something."

"Oh? And what is that?"

"We found the kid's family. His name is Meliodas, and he has a younger brother we're trying to find. We think it will help him to open up some more."

"Is the family you've found Chandler, Mary, and Tristan?"

They nodded, a little shocked by how quickly she had found knowledge of the situation.

"I see... yes I can help you. You two have actually come at a great time. I just got the results back from my research, based on his blood and DNA, with a few spells I figured out who his relatives are and whether they are still with us or gone."

"That's amazing! Can you tell us if his little brother is still alive?"

The woman began chanting softly and soon the vile she was holding turned blue. She drank the potion and responded shortly after; her eyes closed in concentration.

"His parents were named Diana and Jonathan King, they are both deceased, killed by holy knights. He has one sibling who goes by the name of Zeldris, it appears he is still alive... but I cannot locate him."

They frowned at the complication, but felt a bit of relief at knowing the child was still alive.

"Keep in mind, this is also Meliodas's DNA, so it is based on his information of the child. Therefore, the child might not have made it past the point of last contact."

And there goes that last bit of hope.

"So, we have no idea where to look, and the only reference we have is a child who hasn't seen the kid in five to seven years, great."

"Well, actually, that's merely the amount Meliodas himself has aged in and out of pods. It's been about fifteen years now, with his years of service combined with the one-hundred-year slumber."

"Even better!"

"Wait, hold on. If it's been about fifteen years for a demon, why is Tristan- like- ten?"

Harlequin asked a good question considering that the topic wasn't one they'd have a moment to broach again later.  

"Many demons go into hibernations naturally throughout their lives that slow down their aging even further. Especially in times of distress. I suspect that Tristan and his family survived by doing just that after the slave trading started to get worse. It's also why I believe that Meliodas survived as long as he did in that pod. His body was able to endure far longer than an elder demon or a fairy would be able to."

This new information was definitely interesting, but it wasn't what they were here for, and Ban was starting to get annoyed by the derailing of this conversation. 

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