Don't Close Your Eyes!

337 21 26

"Meliodas! Meliodas!"

The voice sounded distant as the blond hearing it tried desperately to stay awake.

"Don't you dare close your eyes kid! Shit... We need to find a way to keep him awake. NOW."

"I know that but if he's asleep by the time I use this it won't work!"

Zeldris, Ban, Merlin, as well as a few others were all standing over the boy with worried glances.

Zeldris had been so caught up in trying to help his brother, that he forgot the most crucial and quickly happening event that the others had spent hours to try and prevent. (Hey, that rhymed :D) That is until Meliodas collapsed in the middle of the tavern barly conscious.

It wasn't that Zeldris didn't know how to stop it. He had spent years researching these things, longer than human lifetimes, and as such knew about almost any aspect, including how to release someone from the sleep spell command. The only problem was that it wouldn't work if the subject was already asleep since the slumber would signify the end of their contract.

"Please try to stay awake Meli.. I know it's hard but please don't go to sleep. I won't be able to wake you up if you do.."

In response he got a flutter of emerald eyes- showing that he was indeed awake but not for long- and a small boy snuggling closer to him. No doubt looking for the comfort of his brother during his last moments awake.

"How long will it take for ya to finish the spell? Because clearly we don't have much longer."

"It'll be at least another ten minutes. If he were a newer slave this would be much easier since the command wouldn't be nearly as embedded into him. However he's not, so there isn't really an exact time-frame I can give you."

"Well the time-frame better change to a few seconds because I'm pretty sure he's falling asleep!"

Shit shit shit!

"Nononono Meli! Stay awake!"

"Trying... so warm.. n' tired...."

His voice was soft and slightly slurred from the sleepiness in it, however it at the very least gave Zeldris a little bit of hope since it meant his brother was at least awake enough to hear them and respond.

Trying to figure out how to keep him that way, Zeldris felt his stomach drop as he got a flashback to a few hours ago.

Why must this be the only thing that I know will work!? Meli.. I'm really really really sorry for this, but at least I know you'll respond.

So once again, he used violence in the form of a flick on the forehead, sickened by the fact that this was the was necessary.

In response he got two emerald eyes giving him a very annoyed look. Something that definitely reminded him of his brother's younger self due to the sass he always had, even if he was still incredibly kind to his sibling.

"Sorry Meli, but I need you to stay awake."

The emerald eyes narrowed as a frown was given. He clearly didn't like that answer.

"Fine then.. I'll sleep out of spite now."

They all blinked as they heard this, both in alarm from what the words meant and shock at hearing the- normally nonexistent- attitude in the boy.

"Meli! Dammit no! The one time you decide to have your spunk back, why does it have to be now!?"

"Yeah, well you should have thought bout that before ya hit me. Goodnight. I'll be sure to haunt your dreams.."

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