Chapter 8: Raindin

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Author's note: Short chapter here!

After Chara made her way into Raindin. She asked if Plushie remembered anything about it.

Plushie: Not really. Just look around. Trust me, almost nobody even knows what humans look like.

Chara: Gotcha..

Chara started looking around, she saw many monsters of different shapes and sizes.

Chara: So what now?

Plushie: Lets explore a little, but don't go beyond Raindin. Sans will be waiting there.

Chara: Okay then.

Chara was walking through the rain and mist. She felt cool, yet not wet or bothered. She first went to see the walls and exterior decorating of the houses.

Most of them looked like regular houses, but she noticed that the monsters she saw through the windows live normally like humans would.

Chara:(So its a civilisation but underground...)

Chara looked up once more, she saw that the rain was coming out of pretty much nowhere.

Chara: How is the rain coming out of nowhere?

Plushie: Well the magic from Underground can't escape to the surface. So a big chunk of it caused it to always have a soothing rain always fall down here in this area.

Chara: Is there more weather conditioned areas like Raindin?.

Plushie: Yeah. The other two locations are Pyro Marsh and Tundra.

Chara: Those sound... very dangerous.

Plushie: Well yes, Pyro Marsh is a swamp but with lava. Lots of Lava.

Chara: And Tundra?

Plushie: Cold. Well its an eternal blizzard there and don't worry, like Raindin, isn't as extreme as it sounds. You can't get sick or feel uncomfortable from the cold. Its just that its a little hard to see.

Chara: Well ok.

Chara: Oh! What's that place?

Chara pointed to a small house-like building that had the sign saying "Libarely"

Plushie: I thinks its supposed to be a Library, but someone misspelled it.

Chara: Should be take a look?

Plushie: I Guess. But don't waste your money on anything unnecessary!

Chara: Yeah, wouldn't want to waste my money.

Chara went inside and looked around the books. Some were for children and others were of...  ...questionable content.

She asked the owner if this was the Libarely, just in case it was really intentionally.

But the Monster sighed and just replied: No. Its a Library, we hoped nobody would notice it, and just left it as it is.

Chara: I see...

Chara came across what looks like a bar and saw the name "Muffet's"

Plushie: This is Muffet's bar, Papyrus comes here often. The owner, Muffet is a spider monster who sells alcohol and sweets....   Lets not go inside.

Chara: Ok then...

Chara then came across a wooden stall thing with the sign "Junk for Sale!"

Plushie: That's new. I can't see who's in the robes though.

Chara: Lets go then.

The two went infront of the stall and saw an old looking turtle monster gazing down at them.

Gerson: Well hey there small one! You looking for some junk?

Chara: Uh...

Chara looked at the items, she saw some of the items could be eaten and given strange boosts. She got a bit of money and decided to buy something. She bought a strange looking mushroom that increases her speed and endurance temporarily.

Gerson: Well thank you kiddo!

Chara noticed a glove that she could wear, it gave extra defence so why not?

Chara: Mister, how much do I pay for that glove?

Gerson: Huh? That glove? Hmm... Ah whatever! Take it for free. Its not much anyways...

Chara: Oh! Thanks mister!

Chara: Uh... Also? Could I sell something here?

Gerson: Hehehe!! Kid, I'm trying to sell this junk, not get more of it!

Chara: Ok then...

Chara then found a tree wrapped in some decorations with presents at the bottom of the tree.

Chara: A decorated tree?

Plushie: What's wrong with the tree?

Chara: Well its uh.... Nevermind.

Plushie: Hm?

Chara: But why is that tree decorated anyway?

Plushie: Its for Giftmas.

Chara was about to examine the presents when a voice called out to her.

???: Hey!

Chara: Huh?

As Chara turned, she saw a young goat monster. Much like Asgore, he had sharp teeth but less sharp. He also had short horns. But his fur was white instead of the black fur her foster father had.

???: Are you a kid? Cause you sure as heck look like one.

Chara: Uh... Yeah?

???: Cool. Most people call me Kid(If you couldn't tell, this is because people call a young goat a "Kid", so yes, this was also intentional.). But my name is Asriel if that's what you prefer.

Asriel: I usually hang around this tree. Its pretty cool. Hey! Lets hang out if we can!

Chara: Uh sure. As... Azzy?

Asriel: Its Asriel.

Chara: Well yeah, but Azzy sounds a lot easier.

Asriel: Huh. Sure. Call me whatever. See you around!

Chara: See ya....

Plushie: Well. Its nice that you made a friend?

Chara: Yeah I guess...

Chara:(I really wonder why these monsters don't want to kill me. I mean, maybe they can't tell I'm... foreign? Well either way they're not even a little bit suspicious of me.)

Gerson: Hey Human!



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