Chapter 9: Gerson's tales

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The voice suddenly cried to her. But that's not what surprised her, the voice was familiar, and called her a Human!

Gerson: Wait up little Rascal! Aw dammit! These old bones can barely walk this fast.

The old turtle monster Gerson was walking towards her out of breath.

Gerson: You're.... A human... Aren't cha?

Chara: ...yeah?

Plushie:*whispers* Chara, be wary, you might have to run.

Chara:*gulp*...Yes. I am a human.

Gerson: Geh heh heh... I knew it.


Gerson: Don't look so tense human. These tired bones couldn't fight you even if they wanted to!

Gerson: And even if I told someone else, would they even believe me?

Chara: I guess not. But why did you come all the way here just to tell me that?

Gerson: Well... I just wondered. If you're here. Then the Royal Guard would be after you. I needed to confirm if you were truly human.

Chara: For what reason?

Gerson: Curiousity. That's about it.

Chara: I see...

Gerson: Well, I have nothing left to do.

Gerson tried walking away before Chara grabbed his arm.


Chara: It was curiousity that led you here right? So now its my turn. I want to ask some questions.

Plushie: Chara!

Chara: Its fine Plushie.

Gerson: Hmm... Ah What the hell. Fine then kiddo.

Gerson than crossed his legs and sat on the ground. Awaiting Chara's question.

Gerson: What do you want to know?

Chara: About Monsters being forced underground.

Gerson: Ah! Well you asked the right monster. I was right there when we were forced underground.

Chara: Really?!

Gerson: Yes. I don't have the clearest memory of it all... But I do know I was there.

Chara: Can you tell me more about it?

Gerson: Sure thing kiddo.

Gerson: Ahem. A long time ago, when monsters were still on the surface...

We monsters lived in a village while the humans had expanded out to other parts of the world.

One day, a monster was aggressive. They attacked a hunan exploring the land. Thinking they were their enemies, the human's friends had no choice but to retaliate.

The monster was injured, they made it back to the village. But passed out into a coma.

The other monsters saw this as a declaration of aggression from the humans.

More monsters decided to invade the town of humans. Managing to invade, take over, and slaughter the humans.

However, neither the King or Queen had any knowledge of these actions. But once the Humans sent a warning letter saying that they will bring Retribution to the monsters.

The King and Queen had no choice but to prepare for war, thinking that the humans had finally decided to get rid of the monsters.

A bloody war had ensued. Countless people died and rivers worth of blood started to flow.

Knowing the humans with the Power of Determination, were more than enough to destroy monsterkind for good, the Queen had no choice but to surrender.

Humans, afraid that the monsters would try once more to fight, forced them underground. And with the power of their most strongest wizards created a Magical Barrier.

Gerson: And then after that....



Gerson: I don't remember.

Chara: Huh?!

Gerson: Calm down kid. I said I don't remember.

Chara, knowing she probably couldn't get more out of him, decided to quit while she was ahead.

Gerson: And that's how we all were trapped down here.

Chara: How did you find out the first monster's actions if he was unconscious?

Gerson: That monster woke up, but they did so during the war and ended up commiting suicide for the fact that they were the reason this war was even happening.


Gerson: So anything else Kiddo?

had Chara thought properly, she would ask at least ten more questions.
But her current thoughts were about that story.

From what Papyrus told her, monsters were forced underground for territorial dispute. She thought the reason for that and the monsters being cruel was all of humanity's fault.

But in the end, it was a misunderstanding for only some of the monster's misdeeds.

Chara: What happened to the monsters who attacked the nearby village?

Gerson: Slaughtered in the war.

Chara: I see. Thank you for your time. I'll be going now.

Gerson: Good luck.

Chara: Huh?

Gerson: I said "Good luck". You'll need it to get out of here at the very least.

Chara:...I know. But why?

Gerson:...humans don't deserve us monsters. If you think any of us are friendly... Its caused we changed.

Gerson: But back then...  Its kill or be killed.

Gerson walked back to the direction of his stall.

Chara then the flopped back and lied on the ground.

Plushie: Woah! Are you tired?

Chara: Yeah. I would need some rest to fight Sans.

Plushie: Why not go to that hotel?

Chara: Huh?

Plushie: Maybe you could sleep there!

Chara: Sure... why not? Nobody besides Gerson should be able to tell I'm human.

Chara and Plushie entered the hotel and saw a two bunnies behind the counter. One adult and the other a small child.

Bunny1: Hmm? Are you new here?

Chara: Uh... yeah?

Bunny1: Well you definitely look like your from the capital. Alright, how long will you stay here?

Chara: 1 night.


Bunny1: Here's your room key.

Chara got her key and went towards the room.

Plushie: Alright. So rest for now. And once we wake up, we leave and fight Sans!

Chara: Gotcha...

Plushie:...don't look so tense. Chara, It'll all be fine. You SAVED too.

Chara: You're right.

Plushie: Goodnight Chara.

Chara: ...Goodnight Plushie.


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