Chapter 11: Chara's Determination

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Chara woke up and found herself inside a self-made prison cell of Blue bones and the walls of the shed.

Chara:(These walls look famili-...)


Chara was holding and nursing her gut, someone had healed her, but she still felt that punch from Sans greatly.

Plushie: Chara!

Chara: Plushie!

Chara turned around to hug her friend.

Chara: Where were you while I was getting my ass handed to me?

btw Author here just saying Chara only knows bad language from her time on the surface

Plushie: I'm sorry... Papyrus took me away to his house while you were fighting.

Chara: Why?

Plushie: I don't know. But he appeared sad the moment Sans turned your soul blue.

Chara: Yeah. What is that anyway? The blue soul thing.

Plushie: Its a special technique that only certain monsters can use. Its just an enhanced gravity skill.

Chara: But there's no way I can survive Sans's attacks that way. Speaking of which, who healed me?

Plushie: Sans did. Saying human souls are more worth it if they're in one piece.

Chara: I see... And where are we again?

Plushie: The shed besides Sans and Papyrus's house.

Papyrus: Hey there kid!

Chara and Plushie turn around to see Papyrus holding up a plate which had... Pancakes?

Chara: Papyrus?

Plushie: Let us out!

Papyrus: Heh. No can do. If you're ever getting out of here, its of your own power.

Papyrus: But here. Eat up.

*Papyrus handed over two pancakes.

Papyrus: Sans made these for you saying something about healing you or whatever.

Chara: Thanks...

Papyrus started to walk away, but stopped and glanced back at the two.

Papyrus: Chara.

Chara:(?) Yeah?

Papyrus: Did Sans... almost brutally murder you? I know its not the best memory to recall but...

Chara: ...yeah. Almost got decapitated.

Papyrus: Damn. That's rough buddy.

Papyrus: Oh. And Human?

Chara: Yeah?

Papyrus: Sooner or later, you'll encounter my bro again. But when you do, you're not gonna budge.

Papyrus: You're gonna be so persistent that he will be forced to acknowledge that he can't stop you.

Chara: Won't he kill me?

Papyrus: If that's really what he wanted, he sure as hell wouldn't have kept you alive this long.

Plushie: Is Sans Alright?

Papyrus: Course he is.

Papyrus: And Human... You can find your 'window of opportunity' eventually...

Papyrus then left the two in there.

Plushie: Save one pancake for later, Chara. You might need them for later.

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