Chapter 6: Sans's Cracked Cranium

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~Infront of the bridge trap~

Papyrus: Heh, here comes my bro...

Sans: Papyrus!

Papyrus: Sup' bro?

Sans: You know what's 'up' brother!

Papyrus: The ceiling?

Sans: ARGH!! I meant the fact that you destroyed the bridge trap!

Papyrus: Did I?

Sans: Yes! You! Did!!!

Papyrus: Quick to point fingers bro, your trap is so easily triggered, a regular stone could fall on it and it would be set off.

Sans: What? Really?

Papyrus: No shit.

Sans:*sigh* ...Alright, sorry Pap. But still, if a human came by now they can't pass by Raindin! And if they did, I could never gain what I truly deserve! Respect! Recognition!....  ...and friends.

Papyrus: Or maybe they found another path? Humans might be creative...

Sans: Hmmm... That's true. Well! I suppose I have to fix the bridge another day, maybe your right Pap. A human might be around...

Papyrus: Heh.

Sans: Alright, I'll see you soon Papyrus, and I doubt you will... but if you can, help me with the traps and make sure they are more suited for humans.

Papyrus: Alright bro.

Sans then walked away.

Papyrus: Alright kiddo, you can come out now.

Plushie: Papyrus, what happened with Sans?

Papyrus: Whaddya mean?

Plushie: Sans is... a Royal Guard member. Is he no longer following that rule he made up?

Chara: What rule?

Papyrus: The rule that Sans swore to never Kill... or would never be Killed.

Papyrus: And as for your question Plushie. He was...  ...raised differently. He had a dream to protect monster kind and joined the Royal Guard. He is even the liutenent or vice-captain of the whole guard.

Chara: So why is he trying to capture humans?

Papyrus: Heh. You really don't know? Plushie... you couldn't have bothered to even tell this kid why monsters want to kill humans?

Plushie: I...

Papyrus: No. I'll tell you a story. Other monsters might have their own interpretations... And its not like I know everything or whatever...

Papyrus: But I can at least tell you some things...

Papyrus: A very, very long time ago, Humans and Monsters lived in peace and harmony in a village.

Papyrus: Over time, the humans left the village and began to expand out to other places...

Papyrus: Then for whatever reason, monsters and humans had a war.

Papyrus: Eventually, the humans sealed us underground with a magical barrier.

Papyrus: Human magic is very strong. So they pretty much trapped us here.

Papyrus: As such, the barrier allows any person, monster or man, to enter with ease. However, only beings with a powerful soul can leave.

Papyrus: Monster's bodies are relatively physically weaker than humans, so our souls have to suffice with magic energy to hold our bodies together. As such, monsters have weak souls.

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