Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The Guardians


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            Rena pushed herself up from the bed in a rush when she heard the loud crash echo around her. Her heart was racing in a panic and her breathing quick and heavy as her eyes frantically scanned the dark room.

She reached for the nightstand beside the bed and switched on the light. Where she thought she heard a crash was only thunder coming from outside. The wind howled angrily outside as well, the sound of the ocean angrily hitting the land with its harsh waters.

Rena pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them tightly. Despite living there her whole life, Rena never seems to grow comfortable with the storms they had. Though who has? They always caused destruction on their tiny town.

She only ever grew scared of storms because they reminded Rena of her mother. The night her mother passed away was the night they had one of the biggest storms of that year. And unfortunately her mother had gotten caught up in the storm.

Rena remembered the night they found out about the accident. Sarah had gone to Port Angeles for the twins birthday coming up within the next two weeks. Rena was the first one to find out about the accident between the three siblings.

Billy was having a card game night at their house when he received the horrific call. Rena couldn't seem to fall asleep that night and happened to hear the whole thing. The cries of her father, his friends trying to calm him down, the slamming of the front door.

She heard her fathers voice repeating over and over again saying "Sarah's dead" while he stormed out of the house. Charlie and Harry were the one to follow after him while Alex Lahote, Old Quil, and eventually Sue came to watch the children.

Rena stayed awake the whole night and never left the bed until the sun was risen and her sister woke up. She stayed quiet and emotionless until Sue broke the news to the two girls. After that she allowed herself to break down.

She prayed the whole night that her father was wrong and that her mother was okay. But unfortunately Creator had other plans for the family and Sarah Black.

Rena grabbed the phone from the nightstand and held onto it tightly. Her fingers twitched in desperation to call someone, but she didn't know who to call. She couldn't call anyone because she had no one to call.

The Guardians | Embry. Call. |Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя