Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The Guardians


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Her cold hands were wrapped around a warm cup of coffee as she stared out the window in thought. The female was sitting in the small coffee shop in Forks, not knowing where else to go. Her head kept telling her to leave but something deeper within herself made her stay put for the meantime. She was about to drive straight through the small town until she spotted the sign advertising the new shop located down main street. Already feeling tired of driving, she decided to stop and clear her head for awhile with a warm cup of coffee.

She sat at one of the tables alone, watching the soft rain hit the window she sat near. Her top teeth were harshly biting her bottom lip as she thought about what the next step she wanted to take was.

She was indecisive. She kept telling herself to leave but it felt like a force was holding her back from following through with that decision. She blamed the feeling on being scared. Because frankly– she was terrified. She was scared of everyone who was currently searching for her. Zach, her boyfriend– or ex boyfriend, she wasn't really sure at this point– had told her countless horror stories. She had also seen and experienced more than enough things to know how bad those people looking for her were. They would literally kill or torture anyone who messed them over.

Zach had never allowed Rena go get involved until recently. He always protected her from the actual business until he needed something that only she could get him. A distraction and information. He would use her as a sexual object to get those things– something she would only do unless she was completely out of her mind. Which she had been thanks to what he was feeding her for months. She had done awful things for him; something she did in the name of love.

But then he left her without a warning.

That wasn't unusual for Zach to leave; though he usually took her with him. Rena knew he left on his own when everything important to him was gone. Besides his car– which she had stolen only a few hours before he disappeared because he set hers on fire after a bad fight they had only a week prior.

Rena started to wonder how she had gotten herself into that situation. So much stuff, stuff that she would never admit to out loud, had happened and she wondered how she was still alive at that point. And in the back of her mind, she wondered how and why she allowed it to happen to her.

But then again; love made you do crazy things. And she had convinced herself that she was madly in love with him.

She was not madly in love with him.

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