Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The Guardians


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            "Delilah?" Rena replied in confusion. "How'd you get this number?"

"Gizelle gave it to me." Delilah responded hesitantly. "She said she didn't know where you were but were probably looking for work."

"Of course she did." Rena breathed out heavily. She leaned back against the car and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Her friend never really knew boundaries; and apparently Rena being on the run from her ex-boyfriend and the mess involving him didn't count as one either. Though she doubted that Delilah was involved with them in any shape or form. "But she's not wrong."

"Are you even still modeling? Last I heard you quit. I was surprised when Gizelle mentioned you for a shoot." Delilah replied honestly.

"I took a break because I was having health issues. I'm fine now though." Rena told her quickly. She knew exactly what Delilah heard and none of them were lies. But that didn't mean she would admit to them. No, certainly not. She would lie her ass off until the rumors were drown out by the lies. "I have been thinking about modeling again, too, but have yet to contact anyone."

"Well, you're in luck then." Delilah said enthusiastically. "You were always my favorite person to work with and I would love to work with you again. That is if you will..."

"Where are you located now?" Rena questioned. "Last I heard you were in New York."

"I was there for a few months but now I'm in Orogen." Delilah informed her. "I want to do more nature shoots and my family lives here. It ended up working out well. Are you able to come to Orogen? I can provide you a room to stay in."

"How long are you thinking and when would I have to be there?" Rena questioned, her eyes flashing towards the truck pulling into the driveway, her sister and future brother-in-law inside.

"Sometime the next two months." Delilah told her. "I'm currently in the process of moving but once I'm settled I will let you know. I just wanted to call ahead of time considering your situation."

Rena's body froze up after she said that. She knew.. or maybe Gizelle told her something else? She hoped that was the case. Only certain people knew about Rena and her involvement with Zach's work and Delilah wasn't one of them. "Situation? What situation?" She played dumb.

"Your health break and then the breakup." Delilah told her, sorrow filling her voice. "I know that was probably really hard for you. I'm so sorry for your loss, Rena."

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