Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

The Guardians


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            The sound of laughter woke Rena up from her deep slumber. She quickly pushed herself up from the bed and ran her hand down her face, taking a deep breath. It took her a moment to remember where she was. The laughter and conversations coming from down the hall were a quick reminder. A reminder of why she was hesitant to stay there in the first place, and her assumption seemed to be true.

The digital clock placed on the side table read nine in the morning. It wasn't as early as she originally thought but early enough that sleep was still lingering on her mind heavily. The smell of food and coffee is what awoken her senses.

Stretching her arms above her head, she pushed the blankets off her body and slowly stood up. She surprisingly slept very well. The last she remembered from the night before was watching another Disney movie before finally dozing off sometime after it ended.

Embry had fallen asleep during the first movie, but she didn't bother to wake him up until the end of the second movie. She didn't want him staying there if he had somewhere to be the next day. Though she wouldn't have necessarily minded the company— except the rumors and assumptions that would spark wasn't exactly something she wanted to contribute. That was the last thing she needed. Especially when all she wanted was a friend— and wanted him to know that was what it only was.

Unzipping the suitcase, she pulled out a pair of jeans and a black sweater and quickly changed into them. She pulled on her shoes before heading out of the bedroom and into the bathroom across the hall. She avoided her stare until the last minute. Surprisingly, the prominent bags that consistently occupied underneath her eyes had subsided a great amount. However, her skin still held onto the grey no matter how much sun she had gotten before heading to Washington.

After washing her hands, she flicked off the light and made her way out of the bathroom. She followed the conversation that loudly echoed from the kitchen. Most of the boys that hung around the house were there and occupied the small round table. And not only Emily and Rachel was there but so was another girl that Rena recognized as Kimber. Or Kim.

"Rena!" Rachel sang out, waving her over. Once Rachel announce her presence, Rena was met with a chorus of enthused good mornings. "I saved you a plate." Rachel stood from her chair and pushed Rena down into it. When did she get so strong?

"Uh, thanks." She mumbled, still trying to wake her mind up.

"These boys eat like wild wolves," Emily laughed from beside as she gathered the empty plates. "Gotta get it before they get here."

Rena sent her a tired smile in return because she could very well tell that statement was true. Nothing was left besides what was on the plate Rachel gave her. But with their build, they needed to eat more than usual.

"You remember Kim, right?" Rachel asked, now standing beside Paul who was still sat at the table beside Jared.

"Who's my beautiful girlfriend!" Jared announced, grinning over at the woman and causing her to blush.

"A little," Rena gave a nod.

"Yeah, we had different groups at school." Kim pointed out with a shy smile.

"You mean she was with the emo's and you were a raging nerd." Paul scoffed, earning a slap on the arm from Rachel and a kick from Jared. "What? It's true!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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