Chapter 2: Romance Between Friends

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Everyone in Smurfy Grove was playing music, throwing petals, and partying with the new guests. Smurfblossom was showing Smurfette around, but before she left, she winked at Brainy and he blushed because he saw the wink. Hefty gave him a knowing smirk and nudged him.

Before anything else could happen, the girls placed necklaces on them and pushed them to go join the fun.


Smurfette was doing archery, air skiing, and lots of other stuff with Smurflily and Smurfblossom. While she was doing that, Brainy and Hefty still weren't over about what happened on the beach.

The boys did a few pranks on each other. Such as, Brainy shooting a honey arrow at Hefty to ruin his shot to the target,

Smurflily showed Smurfette how to do archery. She tried but failed. She was sad but she lightened up when Smurflily placed a hand on her shoulder, telling her that it's okay.

"Hey Smurfette," Hefty called out to her. She looked, "Check this out." As he was about to shoot, Brainy shot an arrow at his hat, making him fail.

Hefty erasing the answers on the whiteboard and changed it to something funny,

Brainy was competing with Smurfblossom on a math question. Brainy finished and cleared his throat. Smurfblossom looked at the whiteboard and laughed.

Confused, Brainy looked back and saw that there was a 'toot' writing on it. He growled and looked at Hefty, who was holding a chalk and smirking.

Brainy gluing the weights on the ground so that Hefty couldn't lift it,

The girls were lifting weights, doing handstand push-ups, and etc. Hefty showed off his muscles, to which one of the girls rolled her eyes at. Hefty tried lifting up the weight, but it didn't budge.

All the girls stopped what they were doing and watched him. He tried lifting it up again, but it didn't move and he fell while some girls started laughing. Hefty saw that it was glued down and he growled. He growled at Brainy, knowing he did it.

And Hefty purposely hitting Brainy on the face to make him fall.

When they were doing a type of yoga dance, Hefty, still following the dance movements, hit Brainy on the face, making him fall.

But other than pranking each other and that, they all had fun and enjoyed their time at Smurfy Grove.

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Gargamel fell into the swamp but was now hanging on to Monty's claws with Azrael on top of Monty's head to try to help fly to safety. But so far Monty was having trouble lifting that much weight.

"Flap, Monty. Flap vigorously. Use your mighty condor wings to carry your master to safety." Gargamel said as he was trying not to get bitten by the piranha's

But one of the piranha's was able to bite his butt. As he cried out, "Sweet mercy, they're bottom feeders!"

Monty was able to flap towards the ground and land there. When they reached land, Gargamel took the fish that was biting him and slapped it multiple times, "Devilfish! Where is my lost smurf village?" He said, pausing at every slap

Azrael then started meowing as he caught Gargamel's attention, "Huh?"

When Gargamel was distracted, the fish jumped out of his grasp and slapped his face with his tail multiple times, then jumped on his head and back in the water. Gargamel saw what Azrael was pointing out then said, "What? Smurfs! Why won't they just die?"

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