Chapter 4: Saving Everyone

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"We need more power!" Gargamel shouted. It was raining hard outside, thunder and lightning struck everywhere.

"Faster, Monty. Faster." A fish fell from a box and made Monty go faster. "Yes."

He then went over to check if everything was going correctly.

"The jiggler's jiggling. The spinny thing is spinning. The smoke is going up. The bubblers are bubbling. Hubbuda, Hubbuda. Perfect!"

He went around the machine, "Oh, it's almost there. Just keep running old bird."

Blossom, Brainy, Smurfstorm, Clumsy, Hefty, and a few other girls were inside a cage.

"What are we going to do, now?" Blossom asked, her cheerful mood gone

"It's okay, Blossom. We'll figure out a way to escape." Brainy said

Clumsy was looking down at Gargamel. Smurfstorm noticed that he looked scared, "Hey, you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Just a bit scared that we're about to be drained of our magic." She gave him a look, "Okay, a lot scared."

"It's gonna be okay, Clumsy. Brainy will come up with a plan and we'll all escape." Stormy said, trying to be as helpful as possible

"Thanks, I needed that" He smiled, she smiled back

Brainy then spoke up, "Here's what we're going to do. I pick this lock."


"We swing to that shelf."


"Pick up something heavy."


"And use it to kill the bird!" Brainy said in a maniac tone

"Yeah! What?"

"Yeah! Wait."

"You want us to kill the bird?" Hefty asked

"Fine. We'll just knock him unconscious." Brainy said


"All right, then."

"Let's do this."

Smurfwillow and Papa Smurf heard their plan, "They have an escape plan, but they're going to need our help."

"It's time to rock the cage."

"Don't be weird."

Brainy successfully picked the lock and they started linking hands. While Smurfwillow and Papa Smurf started to rock the cage towards them.


"Okay, now!"

They started to jump out of the cage. They would have fallen if Hefty didn't hold onto the cage on time. They swung and Smurfstorm reached Papa and Willow's hands. Hefty let go and swung to the edge of the shelf and barely held on.

Azrael noticed that they escaped and was meowing, trying to get Gargamel's attention, "Stop that, Azrael. I can't calibrate my machine with all your incessant yammering. Oh, yes, Azrael, listen to it. It purrs like a cat."

Realizing, Gargamel won't help, Azrael decided to catch the smurfs himself. He started jumping up to knock the smurfs off the shelf. The ones in range of Azrael started jumping upwards to avoid his claws.

Hefty lifted his hand that was holding Brainy and lifted it the best he could. Azrael then jumped up again to get Smurfblossom. He missed the first time, but the second time, his claw got her dress and pulled her down due to Azrael's weight.

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