Chapter 6: Saved and Getting Grounded

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Monty crashed at the wall outside by accident and then flew inside the castle.

"Yes, Monty. You got it!"

He took the bag from his claw and he put her inside a cage.

"A tiny, blue-skinned- Girl..."

"Hey! Let me out of this cage you, smurf-obsessed wannabe wizard!"

"Don't you talk to me like that! Whatever, you'll be sorry once I drain you!" He dropped the cage, making the map fall out of the dress, "What's this? Hand it over."

"No way!" She started walking backward, but unknown to her, Azrael was behind her, he used his claw to grab the map out of her hands and handed it over to Gargamel.

"Thank you, Azrael." Azrael lifts his paw for Gargamel to hi-5 him, but Gargamel just took a magnifying glass to inspect the map, while Azrael just scowled.

"What's this?" He asked. Azrael meowed. "A map? Well, of course. I noticed it before you did obviously." He turned to Smurfblossom, "Where'd you get it?"

"I found it in the middle of nowhere, so there's nothing to tell you."

"Ugh, whatever. You already gave me the map anyway."

Smurfblossom tried reaching for it, but couldn't reach it. Gargamel started talking with Azrael and Monty about plans. "It's in the Forbidden Forest, eh? Well, it's time to take a road trip, boys. We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning, at 9 am. No more later than 9 30, though."

Smurfstorm, Clumsy, Hefty, Smurfette, and Brainy all made it to his lair, and Hefty snuck in doing hand signals, everyone looked confused until Clumsy spoke up as he thought he understood, "Oh, I know this. Go left, then right, do a front flip, and stick the landing."

Hefty said 'no' through his motioning. And tried again.

Clumsy asked doing his own signals, "Is it a person, book, or movie?"

Brainy couldn't wait any longer, "No one ever understands your hand signals, Hefty."

Hefty just groaned, "All right. Just follow me, and stay close."

While Gargamel was talking to Azrael and Monty, Smurfblossom was just lying on the cage floor, waiting for help or for anything else to happen. Then, she heard a 'psst' sound.


So, she turned around and saw her friends hiding behind a few glass potion bottles. She smiled. Brainy went up to the cage and Clumsy looked around the place beside him, but Gargamel turned back to Smurfblossom. So, Hefty pulled the two boys back to hiding.

"Thank you, smurf whose name I don't know. You found a map that leads straight to one of the most powerful wands the world has ever known. The Sea Wand to be exact." He said smiling, "With this wand, I'll finally be able to find Smurf Village. Drain every smurf of their magic, and I'll use that magic to become the most powerful wizard in the world!" He then started his evil laugh again and started another conversation with Azrael.

"Get furs and feathers ready boys."

The others were hiding behind the bottle with Stormy aiming her arrow at Gargamel, just in case. While Brainy came up to Blossom's cage.

"Brainy!" Blossom said happily, "I knew you'd come back for me."

"I would never leave you behind." He said as he started picking the lock. He got her out and hugged her. Then, they walked towards the others and got off the table.

Smurfette then remembered, "Wait, Brainy. The map."

"I already have a map, Smurfette."

"I meant the wand map, Brainy."

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