Chapter 8: Tunnels and New Pets

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Everyone started waking up as they all groaned from the fall. They started looking for each other.

"Hello?" Smurfette called out

Hefty heard her, "Smurfette?"

"Echo!" Clumsy was having fun at first until he looked at a dark tunnel, "Darkness. I don't do well in the darkness. I have enough trouble in the daylight." He said as he covered his eyes with his hat.

"Hold on, everyone. We need to find a way out of here." Brainy said as he looked through his bag.

"That is good thinking, 'Brainy'."Hefty said sarcastically.

"Hello? Guys?" Storm called out

Clumsy shouted, "Darkness!"

"Don't be scared. Just..." Hefty said, "Just think happy thoughts."

"Oh, I'm always thinking of happy thoughts." Smurfblossom said from afar

Clumsy said back, "It's not really happy times right now!"

"Just stay in the light, Clumsy." Smurfette said

"Too late. I'm walking into the darkness!" He said as he started walking into the dark.

Smurfstorm was confused about why he was doing that, everyone was. "What are you... why?"

"I'm really freaking out, you guys!" He shouted while still walking into darkness.

Brainy tried to think of a solution, "Stop, everyone."

Everyone listened and stopped whatever they were doing.

Brainy then continued, "Okay, go into your backpacks, get out your emergency tunnel survival kit, find the small glass vial marked 'light', and shake it really hard."

Everyone did as they were told. They looked in their emergency tunnel survival kit, found the glass vial, and shook it really hard until there was light.

Smurfstorm decided to check on how Clumsy was doing, "Clumsy? How you doing?"

"Okay, I guess." He answered while cradling himself beside the light.

"Just hang tight, Clumsy." Brainy said as he got out a pair of tweezers to inspect the tunnel, "I'm not sure how long this will take or how long we'll be down here, so, everybody, whatever you do, don't eat all your rations." He advised.

But since Clumsy was stressing out, "I just ate all my rations!"

"Clumsy!" Hefty shouted, whilst face-palming

"I'm stress-eating!" Clumsy then shouted.

Smurfstorm decided to just find him, "I'm coming, Clumsy. Follow the sound of my voice." She said as she started going deeper into the tunnels.

Brainy reminded also going in, "Wait! These tunnels are like a maze. We'll just get more lost."

"We gotta do something." Smurfette said, going into the tunnels as well.

"I'm with her." Hefty said, also going deeper in the tunnels, "Time for some action."

"I'm just following the rest of you guys." Smurfblossom said, running in the tunnels too.

"We're doing this all wrong." Brainy said


"I'm close, Clumsy. Almost there."

"That's just the echo playing tricks on us." Blossom said, running around the tunnels

"Anybody?" Clumsy called out

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