Chapter 9: Camping For The Night

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Everyone has been riding the animals, or as you can say, their new pets. As they were riding for about a few hours, Brainy and Clumsy did switch with their girlfriends in the middle of their ride. And as they were riding, their animals climbed braches, jumped over fields, and other amazing sights.

It was starting to get dark and some fireflies came out of the grass. Making the night sky glow. Smurfette was in awe of the sight.

"Wow. Have you ever seen something so beautiful?" Smurfette asked in awe of the sight.

Hefty looked at her, "Every day, Smurfette. Every day."

Brainy was beside them and heard him while saying, "Don't be weird."

"You don't be weird." Hefty said back

After a few more minutes, they stopped to camp for the rest of the night. Smurfette was feeding carrots to Bucky, Smurfblossom was petting Snowy the Snow Pomeranian, and Smurfstorm was helping Clumsy tame Fire Mist the Dragonfly, so that he could have his own dragonfly, just like Smurfstorm does.

"We can camp here for the night." Brainy said, taking out his scout manual from his pack, "I'll start us a fire. Uh, fetch me some firewood, would you, Hefty?"

Hefty looked a bit taken back, "Um, a 'please' would be nice."

"Yes, it would, but I haven't earned my manners badge, so get me some firewood." Brainy said as he read his book to see the right way to start a fire. Hefty just groaned and left to go find some firewood.

Smurfstorm was petting Fire Mist, Clumsy's new pet dragonfly, when she heard Clumsy groan and slouched as he rested his head on a rock. Smurfstorm got worried, so she sat down beside him.

"Hey Clumsy, you okay?" She asked a tad bit worried.

Clumsy then answered with a tired look on his face but trying his best to look like he's fine, so she won't be worried about him. He put a fake smile on his face, "Yeah, sure. Don't you fret, Stormy. It's been fun. Well, not tons of fun, but it's had its moments. " He then muttered out, "Kind of." He then thought she heard that, so he covered it up, "You know what I'm trying to say."

She looked at him in the eyes. When he looked back, they had eye contact, making it hard for him to tell a lie at her, as she had a look of seriousness in her eyes.

He sighed in defeat, "Okay. It hasn't been that much fun."

Her seriousness turned into a look of sympathy as she sensed that her significant other started to droop. She remembered that whenever she was feeling down, he would always let her take her anger out on him, even if it may involve something physical, like punching and kicking. He was always there for her, so now she has to be there for him.

She then thought of something to say, "You know, you did great back there."

He looked up in confusion, "What did I even do that was great back there? All I did was accidentally poaching a dragonfly's egg and making an explosion back in the tunnels."

"Well, back at the tunnels you didn't leave me behind. You could've just let another animal take me, but no. You swooped down and lifted me up." She affectionately said, "And I don't say this much, but... Most of the time, your clumsiness actually helps me."

"Oh, thanks. I needed that." He blushed. They hugged and Smurfstorm pecked him on the cheek. They both smiled as they watched Brainy trying to make a fire.

Hefty brought back the firewood and dropped it in front of Brainy, "Well done, Hefty. Well done."

Hefty just rolled his eyes and sat down beside him, "All right, step one, the wood should be stacked into a tepee-like structure. Step two, I tap this flint with a rock and..." He started blowing on it, and by blowing, he was spitting on it. Hefty noticed this.

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